Wednesday 26 November 2014

Week 16 - Chinook Comes to Calgary

I can't believe how time seems to be flying. Already Christmas is on our doorstep. How did that happen?

This week has been the same as last, with a couple of twists. Monday was a day like any other day. Tuesday was a little different as I accompanied Pete to work so I could use Jelly that day. I was slightly hesitant driving as some of the roads are still a bit icey. However, I bravely undertook the task. The reason I wanted Jelly was to visit Michael's (Canada's version of Spotlight) as they had substantial discounts off items I was going to need for the Christmas wreath I wanted to make.

I picked up the items as well as running a couple of other errands and then headed home to create my masterpiece. Once complete, I hang it on our door with pride. The fact that it covers the peep hole and our apartment number means nothing. It is pretty and brings the Christmas spirit to our apartment. End of story.

Wednesday was another day like any other. When Pete arrived home from work, we had dinner and then headed out to um... Micheal's again. The sales were continuing and I could not pass them up. So with ideas sourced from Pinterest, we purchased all we would need to decorate our tree. I cannot wait. Pete is making a pom pom garland and I am making pine cone decorations. They are sitting behind me as I write and make the whole room smell like cinnamon. We are going to have a Christmas decorating night and then a trim the tree night. This year we will have a real Christmas tree.

Thursday was another day except Pete wanted to get a head start at work so left for work at 4:30am. 4:30!!! He did this as he has a lot on and we were heading out for a pizza night at connect which he did not want to miss. I had plans to head out with a friend to go to a local university to participate in a discussion about God. Things didn't go according to plan, so instead I stayed home.

Connect was awesome as it was simply that... connect. We had a meal together and simply got to know each other better. We played a game of 2 truths and a lie. As you can imagine, a lot came out in this game, and we got to know each other on a deeper level.

Friday was bank day for me. So I rugged up and made my way to cash Pete's cheque. I was greeted with a big smile, and I even smiled back. I guess I have put our rocky start behind me and have become quite courteous with the members of the bank. That night, Pete had the house to himself as I was going to a girls night at Daphne's house. I arrived to a table laden with snacks. I ate far too much and enjoyed catching up with ladies I knew and meeting new ones. We then watched a movie together. All in all, a great night.

Saturday came and I was determined not to spend all weekend running errands. So we got ourselves sorted to head to Bragg Creek a small town not too far from where we live. I had no idea where it was, only a rough idea of the general direction we needed to head in. So we just drove, choosing to rely on road signs instead of Moana our GPS. We arrived to a small town with beautiful scenery. After doing the touristy thing of taking a few snap shots, we made our way to a bakery to get something to eat. We then took a look around, and in just over an hour, we were making our way back home. When home, we decided to start making the decorations for our Christmas tree. I am making pine cone decorations (see pic), and Pete is making a pom pom garland. It was cool to just chill and get creative together.

Saturday night arrived so quickly and before we knew it we were heading off for church. The night seemed to go from good to outstanding. The worship was awesome. We were then singled out by someone who prophesied over us. This has never happened to me before. The man saw that Pete was a man of great faith. (This week he sure has shown me this) He said it took great faith for us to come to Canada and that God loved our faith. He then looked to me and mentioned I was also a woman of faith. This was the last thing I felt like at the time as I have had a rocky week with God and had a bit of a  'poor me' mentality. However, I looked down to see our tithing envelope with cash inside. That's our faith right there, as we are still sewing into the church despite our financial difficulties. The message then came and it was like it was written for me. It was about joy. Let's just say that I was feeling a tad convicted once we left for home. We arrived home to Face time with Pete's parents. It was so nice catching up. They are planning to visit next year and want to go to New York with us. We are both really excited about this. I'm having faith that we will be able to.

Sunday was a lazy day. After a bit of fluffing around, we headed to Fabricland for me to purchase some fabric to make some make up remover pads. I can't exactly make them as of yet as I don't have a sewing machine. However, I know it is coming, so I just need to be patient. We then ran a couple more errands, and then headed home to relax a bit. Later that night, we met with friends to go to the movies to see the latest Hunger Games movie. It was awesome. The only downfall is that we have to wait another year before seeing part 2!

And so we have come to another week in Canada. The weather is warmer as a chinook has come upon us. A chinook is a warm spell that sees the temperatures rising and the snow melting. We are quite lucky here in Alberta as in other parts of Canada, chinooks are non-existent. So, Pete is now back in shorts and a T shirt. He still gets comments, but I don't think that deters him, instead I think it encourages him.

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