Thursday 15 January 2015

Week 23 - Back to Work

Our week has been fairly uneventful. Wow what a way to entice you to read on. But you are always going to have those weeks, especially since we are now settled into life here in Calgary.

Monday meant is was back to work for Pete. For some reason, the schools (and Preschools) opened on Tuesday, so that meant I had one more day of freedom before settling into working. I spent the day working on my Etsy shop which is now open and ready for business.

Tuesday was a work day for both of us. Well, make that Tuesday to Friday. I have adjusted well to being back at work. Well heck, it's only part time so I don't have that much adjusting to do. I am enjoying getting to know the kids and my colleagues more. I am also really enjoying contributing financially helping reduce our debt and increase our savings for our trip to New York in May.

Our weeknights were also fairly uneventful. On Thursday I had a planning meeting for work which started at half 4 and ended at half 6. We were fed (yum, pizza) and watered which I was stoked about. I didn't contribute a heck of a lot as I am not teaching, but it was still good to go and be part of the vision for the next few months. I was feeling a bit homesick when I returned home, as the meeting made me think of home and my life before Canada. Other than family and friends, I don't miss heaps (actually, that's a big fat lie, I do). One thing I miss is teaching as it is a passion. I also discovered that it was that time of the month which meant another month without a baby. So as you can guess, when I hopped into bed that night, I became a blubbering mess. Pete was amazing and was quick to comfort me. Goodness knows what I would do without my husband.

The weekend brought slight change as we were asked to baby sit for the Saturday and Sunday. We didn't have any plans on for the weekend as this month is a no spend month, so we agreed. We arrived on Saturday afternoon to signs of welcome. What started in quiet as everyone was getting to know each other, ended in tickling and water fights. Let's just say that Pete really let his hair down. He had made firm friends with the 3 kids we looked after. They thought he was awesome! I say we looked after, but I'm sure the kids would beg to differ as they cooked and cleaned and did pretty much everything for us.

The 2 and a half hour game of Monopoly which saw Pete and his partner taking it out!
We arrived home Sunday night to enjoy a quiet night in before another week in wintery (well, sort of) Calgary.

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