Tuesday 20 January 2015

Week 24 - Emotion and Excitement

This week has been one laced with emotion and excitement.

Monday saw us entering another work week. I happily trotted off to work doing a 'Pete'. By this I mean tricking myself into believing the weather was not as cold as others thought. This saw me arriving to work with bright pink ears. The day was just another day. As the kids know me now, they are opening up more which means I am having more fun at work. I love getting into the toys and playing with them and hearing their cute voices say "Mrs Smith, Mrs Smith."

That night we went shopping. The trip was not as successful as I had hoped. Let's just say that I threw my toys out of the cot and said rather loudly that I was sick of not being able to find things and wanted to go home! Pete was extremely patient with his irate wife. He sent me off to the home section to cool down while he searched for the items I was frustrated at not being able to find. I moped about and headed back to him, with irritation still written all over my face. I think I cracked when I saw the New Zealand mussels I had on the list were not available. To cut a long story short, I said my time in Canada was drawing to an end. Pete was shocked that the supermarket could make me feel this way. He handled my outburst so well, and after cooling down, I admitted that what I said was said in anger. He accepted it and then told me I was not to go supermarket shopping again.

Tuesday I relished getting a sleep in as my shift started at 1:30pm. Pete wasn't well so called in sick. His boss was understanding, but insisted Pete send me in his place. Sadly I had to pass as I had work. On my way to work I checked the mail and discovered my planner that I have been wanting for oh so long was in the hands of Fed Ex. So I pleaded with Pete to pick it up after work. Pete agreed and within no time at all, I had my precious planner in my hands. I then headed to sewing. I love going out to work on my passion. I also enjoy getting to know others that strange to say, aren't Christians. I began work on my new jacket which I cannot wait to finish.

My new planner!

Wednesday was another average day. I stepped outside of the box after my shift and experimented with my new camera. The reason? To record a video for YouTube. That's right folks, I think I am going to dabble in the world of YouTube. It took a bit to get comfortable in front of the camera, but I was pretty happy. Now I need to think of a name for my channel. I just hope this isn't going to be as challenging as it was to name my business.

Thursday we had connect group. It was great to see each other after the Christmas break. We discussed the focus for our connect group for the year. We also prayed for each other and received prayer ourselves. We are not the kind of couple that ask for a lot of prayer, but Zelda (our connect leader) wanted to pray for us and our fertility. I am pressing into God and His promises more than ever at the moment, but Pete not so much. It was so cool to be prayed for, and it generated heaps of discussion on the trip home as we discussed our child and where Pete was at.

Friday brought the end of the work week. For some reason I was really feeling it this Friday. After my shift I visited the gals at the bank (to bank Pete's cheque) and made a sneaky visit to Tim Horton's. I wasn't cheating on our no spend month as I had received a gift voucher for Tim's from Pete for Christmas. We then had a quiet night in staying up far too late watching movies, but loving every minute of it!

Saturday we slept in and spent time with God together. We had made plans to visit a 'Pick and Pull' in hopes of finding parts for Jelly. It only cost a looney ($1) to get in each, so equipped with tools we went in. Sadly there was only one Jeep and it was in a sorry state, so no parts for our beloved Jelly. We then headed home for Pete to shower and shave (this is quite a lengthy process) before we headed out again for Pete to get a haircut. I had to miss out as I forgot we had church that night. I wasn't too worried as I managed to get my pixie into a tiny (and I mean tiny) pony tail. Pete calls it my boy hair as it reminds him of the guy from 'A Princess Bride'. We then hastily made our way to church as I was helping out with Kids Church. Church was amazing. Despite not being part of the message, I loved spending time with the kids. My eyes have been opened as to what kids need from church and it is not what I have been accustomed to. We then spent time after the service chatting with various friends. We had a conversation with Kurt that had me in stitches. I was clutching my stomach drawing many steers as I cackled away. When we arrived home, I Face timed my dad which was so so good. I haven't had the chance to have a heart to heart with him since we have come to Canada and it was long over due. My heart was full after speaking to him for over 2 hours. It made me miss home and my parents more.

Sunday we had plans to be productive and work on Jelly. However, I woke with a funny tummy and once that was remedied, Pete started to feel unwell. So it turned into another quiet day at home, relaxing in front of the TV. We were also supposed to go out that night but decided to stay home as Pete wasn't feeling 100%.

Despite an emotional start to the week, it has been a good one. I dreamed last night that we had to leave Calgary and I did not want to go. That has transpired to real life as although life is sometimes different and at times challenging, I wouldn't want it any other way.  

1 comment:

  1. Always enjoy reading your blogs and glad to hear you are settling into life in Canada, even with the ups and downs. I found that from about the 6 mth mark I started feeling pretty settled in London.

    I'm finding it really hard to believe that in a few short months my 2 years here in the UK will be up :( I wish there was the option of an extension as I could easily stay on another year here (even though I do miss family & friends back home). Anyhow, just trying to make the most of the time I have left here and am now planning out of my travels around Europe etc :)
