Tuesday 27 January 2015

Week 25 - Road Trip and the Beautiful Skies of Canada

I really should be more vigilant and type the blog throughout the week as I get to Sunday and draw blanks at what the past week held. However, with my handy dandy planner at hand, I'm sure I'll manage.

Monday and Tuesday were normal work days. Our evenings were quiet as Pete stayed late both nights to work on Jelly. I busied myself at home and dappled with editing the videos I had filmed for YouTube.

Wednesday was another work day. I work 8:30 - 1:15 Monday, Wednesday and Friday and love the fact that I walk to work. I find it a great way to start my day. It's not a long walk, but I admit at times I dawdle a bit as the skies as of late have been magnificent and all I want to do it look at them in awe. The other morning I had to get the camera out. I'm sure the passing drivers were thinking 'well she's not from around here now is she.'

That night we were invited over to friends (David and Claire) for dinner. It was so nice to re-connect with them as we hadn't seen each other for a while. We really love their company. After an awesome meal, we decided to settle down to watch one of David's favorites (The Hobbit). We both had not seen it so readily agreed. The scenery of the movie was spectacular, but should I have expected anything less as it was home. The movie made me think of home and miss it. But I have been challenged as of late to not focus too much on home and soak up and appreciate all that Canada has to offer.

Thursday I took great delight in the fact that I had to start work at 1:30. I'm telling ya, I don't know if I can go back to working full time as part time is so good. After my short work day, I headed home to get dinner prepared so we could get on the road for connect group. After arriving late (traffic was terrible) we worshiped for a bit then shared with each other what our dreams are. Mine was the most superficial of the entire group. I said I want land, and lots of it. Others wanted land, but for the purpose of helping broken people. I must admit I was convicted that my dreams weren't more Godly, so that went on the prayer list for God to give me dreams that were about Him.

Friday was the end of the week and I was exhausted. Despite working part time, at the end of the week I am still in need of a break. I tiredly made my way home after declining a baking invite with girls from church and relaxed on the couch. I know, pathetic eh? Friday night we had a Facetime date with Dan. I prepared dinner while we chatted away and when Pete arrived home, him and Dan picked up where they last left off and I finished making dinner. I swear that if Pete wasn't my husband I would think that Dan and him were real brothers. They love the same things, are really similar and even look alike.

Saturday we awoke earlier to do a devotion together. The reason for the earlier start was that we were off on a tiki tour. Pete had done a bit of research during the week and found a place that had a Jeep that we could get parts off. The catch was that it was 3 hours away and closed on a Saturday. We were not deterred in the slightest by the prospect of a road trip. But the closed part put a spanner in the works. After a bit of sweet talking, Pete persuaded the guy to open up for us. So we jumped in Lucy (the car we are borrowing) and made the trip to pick up the parts. On our way, we drove through a reservation for First Nations (Indians) which was really interesting. We love learning more about First Nations. They are really similar to Maori of New Zealand. After a successful collection of the parts, we made a stop to Tim's for some kai and then decided to take the long way home and visit another city. The city was smaller than Calgary by quite a bit, so with a lot of places closed, we decided to head for home. With over 7 hours of driving under his belt, Pete fared very well. I on the other hand was beat, so after a bit of dinner and TV, I headed for bed. Pete chose to Facetime his parents and stay up later.

Food at Tim's.

Right up my brothers alley.

Taken on the way home with my new camera.
Sunday was a little less thrilling than yesterday. With our newly acquired parts we decided to spend a day at the workshop so Pete could work on Jelly. I accompanied him equipped with my laptop, planner, shopping planner and book. While Pete did his thing, I did mine. It wasn't a bad way to spend the day and I do enjoy seeing Pete in his overalls. After having no food since breakfast, I was ready to eat a horse, so at half 5, Pete cleaned up and we made our way to Denny's for some food. The waitress was memorable as she asked for our drink order and Pete said he wanted a milk shake. She asked what flavor and he said which flavors are there. Her response was "Oh, I don't know, isn't that what a menu is for." She quickly realized her mistake making excuses that she was living off 2 hours sleep. Let's just say the tip she received reflected her attitude.
We then did the impossible and went food shopping. As you all know by know, this experience just seems to get worse and worse. Well, I prayed about it before we went in and what do you know, it was one of the most successful shopping experiences I have ever had. Proof that God cares about the little things. I even had clam sauce on the list and had no idea where that would be found. On a random (or God ordained) chance Pete found it easily. We made our way home feeling very proud of ourselves.

And so concludes another week here in Canada. The weather here is super mild. I was thanked by my boss the other day for bringing the nice weather to Calgary. It's so mild it feels like spring. But alas, the locals are saying the cold is coming. I look forward to it. 

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Week 24 - Emotion and Excitement

This week has been one laced with emotion and excitement.

Monday saw us entering another work week. I happily trotted off to work doing a 'Pete'. By this I mean tricking myself into believing the weather was not as cold as others thought. This saw me arriving to work with bright pink ears. The day was just another day. As the kids know me now, they are opening up more which means I am having more fun at work. I love getting into the toys and playing with them and hearing their cute voices say "Mrs Smith, Mrs Smith."

That night we went shopping. The trip was not as successful as I had hoped. Let's just say that I threw my toys out of the cot and said rather loudly that I was sick of not being able to find things and wanted to go home! Pete was extremely patient with his irate wife. He sent me off to the home section to cool down while he searched for the items I was frustrated at not being able to find. I moped about and headed back to him, with irritation still written all over my face. I think I cracked when I saw the New Zealand mussels I had on the list were not available. To cut a long story short, I said my time in Canada was drawing to an end. Pete was shocked that the supermarket could make me feel this way. He handled my outburst so well, and after cooling down, I admitted that what I said was said in anger. He accepted it and then told me I was not to go supermarket shopping again.

Tuesday I relished getting a sleep in as my shift started at 1:30pm. Pete wasn't well so called in sick. His boss was understanding, but insisted Pete send me in his place. Sadly I had to pass as I had work. On my way to work I checked the mail and discovered my planner that I have been wanting for oh so long was in the hands of Fed Ex. So I pleaded with Pete to pick it up after work. Pete agreed and within no time at all, I had my precious planner in my hands. I then headed to sewing. I love going out to work on my passion. I also enjoy getting to know others that strange to say, aren't Christians. I began work on my new jacket which I cannot wait to finish.

My new planner!

Wednesday was another average day. I stepped outside of the box after my shift and experimented with my new camera. The reason? To record a video for YouTube. That's right folks, I think I am going to dabble in the world of YouTube. It took a bit to get comfortable in front of the camera, but I was pretty happy. Now I need to think of a name for my channel. I just hope this isn't going to be as challenging as it was to name my business.

Thursday we had connect group. It was great to see each other after the Christmas break. We discussed the focus for our connect group for the year. We also prayed for each other and received prayer ourselves. We are not the kind of couple that ask for a lot of prayer, but Zelda (our connect leader) wanted to pray for us and our fertility. I am pressing into God and His promises more than ever at the moment, but Pete not so much. It was so cool to be prayed for, and it generated heaps of discussion on the trip home as we discussed our child and where Pete was at.

Friday brought the end of the work week. For some reason I was really feeling it this Friday. After my shift I visited the gals at the bank (to bank Pete's cheque) and made a sneaky visit to Tim Horton's. I wasn't cheating on our no spend month as I had received a gift voucher for Tim's from Pete for Christmas. We then had a quiet night in staying up far too late watching movies, but loving every minute of it!

Saturday we slept in and spent time with God together. We had made plans to visit a 'Pick and Pull' in hopes of finding parts for Jelly. It only cost a looney ($1) to get in each, so equipped with tools we went in. Sadly there was only one Jeep and it was in a sorry state, so no parts for our beloved Jelly. We then headed home for Pete to shower and shave (this is quite a lengthy process) before we headed out again for Pete to get a haircut. I had to miss out as I forgot we had church that night. I wasn't too worried as I managed to get my pixie into a tiny (and I mean tiny) pony tail. Pete calls it my boy hair as it reminds him of the guy from 'A Princess Bride'. We then hastily made our way to church as I was helping out with Kids Church. Church was amazing. Despite not being part of the message, I loved spending time with the kids. My eyes have been opened as to what kids need from church and it is not what I have been accustomed to. We then spent time after the service chatting with various friends. We had a conversation with Kurt that had me in stitches. I was clutching my stomach drawing many steers as I cackled away. When we arrived home, I Face timed my dad which was so so good. I haven't had the chance to have a heart to heart with him since we have come to Canada and it was long over due. My heart was full after speaking to him for over 2 hours. It made me miss home and my parents more.

Sunday we had plans to be productive and work on Jelly. However, I woke with a funny tummy and once that was remedied, Pete started to feel unwell. So it turned into another quiet day at home, relaxing in front of the TV. We were also supposed to go out that night but decided to stay home as Pete wasn't feeling 100%.

Despite an emotional start to the week, it has been a good one. I dreamed last night that we had to leave Calgary and I did not want to go. That has transpired to real life as although life is sometimes different and at times challenging, I wouldn't want it any other way.  

Thursday 15 January 2015

Week 23 - Back to Work

Our week has been fairly uneventful. Wow what a way to entice you to read on. But you are always going to have those weeks, especially since we are now settled into life here in Calgary.

Monday meant is was back to work for Pete. For some reason, the schools (and Preschools) opened on Tuesday, so that meant I had one more day of freedom before settling into working. I spent the day working on my Etsy shop which is now open and ready for business.

Tuesday was a work day for both of us. Well, make that Tuesday to Friday. I have adjusted well to being back at work. Well heck, it's only part time so I don't have that much adjusting to do. I am enjoying getting to know the kids and my colleagues more. I am also really enjoying contributing financially helping reduce our debt and increase our savings for our trip to New York in May.

Our weeknights were also fairly uneventful. On Thursday I had a planning meeting for work which started at half 4 and ended at half 6. We were fed (yum, pizza) and watered which I was stoked about. I didn't contribute a heck of a lot as I am not teaching, but it was still good to go and be part of the vision for the next few months. I was feeling a bit homesick when I returned home, as the meeting made me think of home and my life before Canada. Other than family and friends, I don't miss heaps (actually, that's a big fat lie, I do). One thing I miss is teaching as it is a passion. I also discovered that it was that time of the month which meant another month without a baby. So as you can guess, when I hopped into bed that night, I became a blubbering mess. Pete was amazing and was quick to comfort me. Goodness knows what I would do without my husband.

The weekend brought slight change as we were asked to baby sit for the Saturday and Sunday. We didn't have any plans on for the weekend as this month is a no spend month, so we agreed. We arrived on Saturday afternoon to signs of welcome. What started in quiet as everyone was getting to know each other, ended in tickling and water fights. Let's just say that Pete really let his hair down. He had made firm friends with the 3 kids we looked after. They thought he was awesome! I say we looked after, but I'm sure the kids would beg to differ as they cooked and cleaned and did pretty much everything for us.

The 2 and a half hour game of Monopoly which saw Pete and his partner taking it out!
We arrived home Sunday night to enjoy a quiet night in before another week in wintery (well, sort of) Calgary.

Monday 5 January 2015

Week 22 - The Best Start to 2015!

I am becoming a bit disorientated due to the holidays. I can remember the day and the date, but remembering what we did on what day is a little harder.

Monday Pete had to go back to work. Here in Canada, you get 2 weeks leave per year. And we thought 4 weeks in New Zealand was rough. So as we are saving his time off for May next year as we are planning on crossing the border and heading to New York for a bit, Pete didn't get a lot of time off over the Christmas period. He got 4 days over Christmas, and 4 days over New Years.

Monday - Wednesday were fairly uneventful. Pete worked and I pottered around home. As I still wasn't feeling the best (the cold really hit me this time) I tended to stay indoors. However, I braved the elements (the weather was very tame - no snow even) to do the customary trip to the bank to bank Pete's cheque. As Wednesday was New Years Eve, we decided (stupidly I think) to food shop as the cupboards were bare. The supermarket wasn't as crazy as the night before where we drove in and around the car park finding no empty spaces and both decided to skip shopping that night and instead go to Target. A much better choice indeed!

Our New Years Eve was so low key. We were invited out, but I wanted a quiet one and so did Pete. We didn't expect to make it to midnight, but we did. Only just. On a side note, January is a month that is going to be a challenging but rewarding month. The reason I say that is we have decided to have a dry month. Dry meaning we are not spending money on unnecessary things. So gone are trips to thrift stores and my beloved Target. We are going to have to find other things to occupy our spare time. So, at quarter to midnight, I was frantically trying to order some muslin cloths on Amazon as I couldn't in the new year.

Thursday we were expecting a quiet one at home. However, we instead had the best start to 2015. We (along with 18 others) were treated to a day in Banff where we went on tubes down hills. (I will find out the technical term - Go figure, it's called tubing) We had never done this before, so we rugged up (yep, even Pete did) and headed off with friends. The day was amazing. We were also treated to lunch and a dinner of ribs at a restaurant in Banff. We were blown away by friends (Nicco and Zelda) who paid for everyone and everything. A perfect way to start our dry month I thought.

A shot I got of Pete tubing.

All rugged up.

The tubing lanes.

Beautiful Banff.

He was dressed sensibly people!

The scenery.

Tubing in action.
Friday was a day off for Pete. Well, sort of. We went into his work so he could spend some time working on Jelly. As we have no insurance and no registration, if we are caught, we can receive a fine up to $4000! So we have been super blessed as John (Pete's boss) offered us a spare car of his that is insured and registered which we can use for however long we need. We decided Friday would be a good day for working on Jelly as we could go home to do nothing as we had nothing on and we were busy both Saturday and Sunday. As we were having smoko (they think we are nuts for using the term smoko for a break here) we were contacted by friends inviting us over. As one of my goals is to step out of my comfort zone more this year and meet new people, I agreed to go. And I'm glad that I did. We battled the roads (and they were pretty treacherous) and had an awesome night.

Saturday we spent our day at home. As outside was a winter wonderland, we delighted in staying indoors in our cosy, warm apartment. We kept ourselves busy by watching TV and cleaning. As I had to be at church that night, we rugged up (well I say that, but Pete thought at -20 he could still wear shorts and a singlet) and made our way to church. As the roads were getting icy, we had a couple of close calls on the roads. We had a great time at church socializing over food. At the end of the message, we were encouraged to speak blessings over others. Zelda (our connect leader) came over to us to share what God had put on her heart for us. She said this year blessings will be poured out - far more than we expect. She saw us having a ministry here working together and individually. She also said she feels that we are not here in Canada only for the year. We were stoked with her words.

Sunday was another home day. Pete loves the days where we stay at home. We get up late, lounge around the place and generally enjoy each others company. We did enter into civilization eventually as I had a meeting to attend about being in Kids Ministry. So we headed to our pastors house for the meeting and stayed for South African pancakes and Monopoly with the young adults. I failed miserabley at the game, but had huge amounts of fun none the less.

So, overall, an awesome start to 2015. Life in Canada is definitely awesome. We are meeting new people constantly and are making firm friendships here. Even though we are missing out on Summer and having to endure seeing family in togs and having wet hair from swimming when we Facetime them - we wouldn't have it any other way!