Monday 23 March 2015

Week 33 - Coffe and Food!

As I'm sitting here wearing my snugly dressing gown, I'm feeling blue. It's cold and the snow is falling. So much for spring. Oh well. It's spring break for me which I guess will mean curling up on the couch and watching movies.

Monday was a standard work day. Once Pete arrived home, we made our way to the library. We decided to browse the travel section and picked up a couple of books about New York to wet our appetites for our up and coming trip. We are so looking forward to showing off beautiful Alberta to Pete's parents, experiencing the states and of course seeing their gorgeous faces.

Tuesday we worked. After relaxing at home for a bit in the evening, we headed out to run a couple of errands. That was the beginning of our petrol fiasco. We pre paid $80 and the Jeep only took $62. When Pete went back in to get the refund, he was met with a confused clerk who said the machine said we paid with credit card and used $80 worth of fuel. After much discussion, Pete asked to see the manager. There wasn't one available, so he was told the manager would call him the next day. He did call the next day, promptly telling Pete there would be no refund. We were not happy campers. I suggested Pete take it further, but we have decided to let it be.

Wednesday was a fun filled day of work and then taxes. Pete has been procrastinating big time about doing his taxes. As the average return is $900, I was keen to get the ball rolling. However, after 20 minutes of helping him, I was ready to tear my hair out. So I suggested we ask a friend (who just happens to be an accountant) for her advice. Pete rang and before we knew it, we had a dinner invite for Friday. So, with the assurance that Nicki (our friend) could help, we threw in the towel.

Thursday after work we had a productive connect meeting. Meaning we all went to Miriam's house to help her do some odd jobs around her place. I had a great time helping, and especially enjoyed the pizza at the end. I secretly think Pete enjoyed showing of his strength as he hauled huge TVs and cabinets by himself. Secretly I was a little impressed myself.

Friday was a day off for me. So I went to my favorite place - the bank. I then decided to treat myself to a Starbucks coffee. I took a book, and sipped my coffee while reading my latest read - Duck Dynasty. I then made my way home to do things around the place before Pete arrived home to shower before we went to dinner at David and Nicki's. Dinner was amazing (David hunts so we had elk steaks) and the conversation was even better. Overall, we had the best time.

Saturday we ran a couple of errands before heading to Okotoks (the place we visited briefly last weekend). We took a wander around the town, stopping for coffee (twice). We then decided to do food shopping there which was extremely painless. I may even go so far as to say it was enjoyable. After our successful shop, we decided to treat ourselves to dinner out. The meal was so flippin good. As time was getting away with us, we missed church, choosing to head home to get into our PJs and relax in front of the TV.

We visited Okotok Museum. Planning back in the day. A little more complex now sadly.

Loved these comments from the teachers.

Pete in front of the museum.

A turtle (they are chocolates here) latte. Very tasty.

I enjoyed every sip.

Pete got his Guinness but was sad it was only available in the can.

The best started I have ever had. Ever!

My meal. Oh so good.

Pete enjoying his meal.
Sunday was a blah day. We mosied around the house until noon. I got cabin fever and wanted to get out for a bit. So, we went to a thrift shop and a dollar store, and then made our way home. The afternoon passed by, with Pete choosing to watch YouTube in the bath, and me choosing to bake afghans. We then decided to catch a movie. We chose 'The Kingsmen'. Although the 'f word' was used far too liberally, I loved the storyline. Overall, it was a great relaxing Sunday.

And thus ends another week in Canada. As I have the week off, I intend on sewing up a storm. Let's hope I don't go grey once the week is up.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Week 32 - More Exploration of Beautiful Alberta

Another week has been and gone. Time really does seem to be flying. However, despite the time flying, we are still making the most of our time away from work and are loving what our home province has to offer.

Monday brought another beginning to our week. We both worked for the day. I came home to relax, but when Pete arrived home it was only to pick me up to then take me to our pastors house so I could help with sewing. No rest for Pete I'm afraid. He then began working on their car. After sewing was over, we stayed for dinner. Pete then continued working on the car, while I hung out and chatted with Kirsten and Gina. We made our way home eventually to wind down for the next day.

Tuesday I got to experience another glorious sleep in. Pete sadly didn't. The work day went well and before I knew it, I was walking home. That night I had sewing on. I continued to work on my spring pants. I didn't get them finished, but I know I will finish them next time. I love having an expert with me when I am sewing. Let's just say that is saves heaps of unpicking.

Wednesday we worked for the day and then enjoyed a quiet night in. I'm afraid we are that couple that delights in a night in.

Thursday we worked and then went to connect group that evening. I get so much out of connect group. I also love the chats we have on the way home from connect group. They are usually about what was discussed earlier, but it's awesome to be able to go into more depth.

Friday was a different wok day for me. I started at 8:30 like normal, finished at 12:30 for a half hour break, and then worked from 1 - 4:30. A colleague asked me to cover her afternoon shift and I was more than happy to oblige. I had such a great day, and loved spending time with a different class in the afternoon. Pete arrived home earlier than usual and we sat and chatted over a coffee before he jumped in the shower to beautify himself for our evening ahead. We had a date. With friends (Gina and Miriam). Our destination - An Ethiopian restaurant in downtown. Despite the fact that I enjoy quite plain meals, I was open to the idea of trying something new. The verdict. Let's just say that I didn't enjoy it as much as the others. After the meal, we headed home to watch a movie together. Overall it was an awesome night.

Saturday we had big plans for the day, so we got up fairly early. A colleague from work had drawn a map with several ideas for what we should do to explore parts of Alberta. We had the best day! We first made our way to an Art Museum. The art was great, but the views were even better. The museum was on a 40 acre property which we had free reign to. Despite the winds being pretty fierce, we decided to wander over the property. After our stroll, we found out that cougars had been spotted on the property in the last 2 weeks. Jeez, glad I didn't know that before hand.

A piece of art in the museum.

The grand room. The view was breathtaking.

Pete taking in the view.

It was windy, but worth it.

The museum was in a house.

Random trees that looked like match sticks.

Another shot of the scenery.

The beautiful Rocky Mountains!

Me toying with the settings on my camera.

Pete toying with the settings.

We then made our way to Black Diamond. Karen (my work colleague) had suggested a diner to have a bite to eat. It was amazing. Let's just say that I am totally converted to putting peanut butter on my burgers now. We took a look around, but with the wind blowing dust throughout the town, we decided to move on.

Pete with his malt shake at the diner.

My ice cream soda.

Pete's burger.

Me outside the diner.
At the museum we discovered there was a honey center not far from Black Diamond. So we decided to stop in. The honey was great, but not as good as home. The owner of the center told us that he can only buy bees now from New Zealand and Australia. He then gave us several samples of mead. From someone who does not like alcohol, I was taken with the taste. So Pete spent some of his pocket money on a bottle of mead and a cool cup.

The last stop on our epic day out was Okotoks. I fell in love. Here was the town that reminded me of home. And they knew how to make coffee. We looked around for a bit, but as it was nearing 5pm, a lot of places had closed. We discovered that Okotoks was only 20 minutes from our home. I was over the moon. Let's just say that we will be visiting there again, and soon. (I will get more photos at a later date)

Lastly we made our way to church. The service was really different as we had stations set up to worship and spend time with God. I opted for poetry. I spent the whole service getting words from God about our future child, Pete, and life in general. Pete opted for painting. He wasn't proud of his painting, but I was.

Sunday we ventured out again to visit the Saskatoon Farm. It's a place that has loads of things for sale. (See furniture I was tempted with in the photos) It also had a restaurant. We decided to get breakfast there. Let's just say we will be going back.

Taken with this chair.

Definitely want to take this back to NZ with me.

One of the best hot (and I mean hot) chocolates I have had in Canada.

A hearty breakfast and oh so good.

We then did a bit of thrift shopping. By that stage, Pete was fading fast. So I dropped him at home before heading out on my own to Target. The doors still have not closed here so I am getting in as much time there as possible. I made a good find of a woolen jersey. The tag said $30 but I paid $6. I then made my way home to find Pete snoozing away. So we had a quiet night in.

All in all, another awesome week here in Calgary. We have explored more and fallen further in love with the place we are now calling home.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Week 31 - Beautiful Winter in Calgary

The weeks seem to be passing by in a blur. In no time at all, it feels like I am sitting in our cozy office trying to remember the events of the past week to relay to our faithful readers.

Monday was a work day unlike any other. Once work was over, I busied myself at home before Pete made a mad rush from work to pick me up to take me to our pastors house to help with sewing. I love teaching sewing, and I am learning heaps too. I am working with the less confident sewers. Sometimes it feels like I am saying the same thing over and over. But hey, that's teaching for you. While I was sewing, Pete was working on our pastors car. He works so hard that boy. After my class finished, I waited for a bit before Pete took me home.

Tuesday I reveled in the fact that I get sleep ins. I pottered around the house, before heading to work. I love my job, but the 3 year olds I help with on Tuesday and Thursday are hard work. Lots of them are lovely, but there are some learning issues there that haven't been assessed yet and sadly, these kids require more help than others. That night, I suggested we go out for Ice-Cream after dinner. Luckily (for me) Target was right next door to the ice cream place. So, an hour later and with a rather grumpy husband in tow, we entered the ice cream place to sit down to enjoy a sundae each.

Wednesday I got my fair share of walking as I walked to work in the morning, walked to the seniors home with the kids as we went there to perform for the seniors, walked back to work, walked home, and then walked back later to work that evening for a planning meeting. During the gap I had an awesome Face time date with Hayley. I love catching up with her. A colleague asked if I got home sick when I told her about my Face time date. I said sort of. I miss my family and friends, but am so glad we took the plunge and moved to Canada.
The meeting went well. We were fed (really well) and supplied with cookies and chocolate, so I couldn't complain. Pete came to pick me up when the meeting ended as it was dark and I'm a bit of a wuss walking in the dark.

Thursday we worked and then had dinner before heading off to connect group. We love going to connect group. We had some time where we individually asked God to speak to us. He brought comparisons to mind. I have had a tendency to compare myself to others lately. He reaffirmed His love for me and how comparisons achieve little. So as you can probably tell, this is something we worked on for the rest of the week.

Friday brought the end of the working week. And so quickly too. Work went well, and before I knew it, I was putting my feet up at home. We opted for a quiet night in. Pete had a bath while I perused the internet. We then made a simple dinner and settled in to watch a movie together.

Saturday we woke to sun streaming through the gaps in the curtains. The weather was stunning. So we did a devotional together and made plans for the day. We found a coffee place called Phil and Sebastian that had rave reviews. One man stated in all his travels around the world he had never encountered coffee that good. Needless to say, we entered the coffee shop with high expectations. Did the coffee measure up. Nope! I drank my cappuccino in one minute as it was that cold. My cappuccino that had no froth. I stated to Pete that the man who placed the raving review obviously hadn't been to New Zealand. We then ran a few more errands before we found ourselves in Fabric Land. I was looking for my next project for sewing. While flicking through patterns, I doubled over in pain, so we quickly took off for home so I could get into bed. Nothing to panic over folks. Just that time of the month. So we opted to stay in that night.

Sunday dawned bright again. I had made a sneaky purchase the night before with my pocket money and wanted to pick it up that day. I finally brought a sewing machine. It's nothing flash at all (total cost $25), and it makes my sewing machine in New Zealand look super flash, but nevertheless, it does the job. So, we picked up my purchase before heading into downtown Calgary. We had an awesome time walking along the river. It was stunning. (See photos) We then came home for a rest before heading out again to do our food shopping. Shopping was a success with us spending $205 for the fortnight. Whoop whoop.

Beautiful Bow River.

My brilliant husband!


The river is right next to the city.

On the bridge.

This bridge apparently caused some conflict as it was designed by a famous Spanish designer. Locals felt it should have been designed by a local.

A gorgeous winter day.

The bridge from the other side.

Another bridge heading into the city.

To prove I was there.

The water was crystal clear.

Hate to see him go, but love the view. Hehe.

Despite the snow, the temperature was pretty warm.


Had to get a shot of the squirrel.

And so another week has passed us by. It is now daylight savings. The sun continues to bless us, but the locals are saying more snow is bound to come. I am choosing to be optimistic and am looking forward to spring!

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Week 30 - 30 Weeks Already!

I was making my way to work one day this week and it hit me. We are actually here in Canada. We talked about it for so long, that it actually happened. You may be thinking, jeez, she's a slow one. I guess when you settle into real life with work, paying bills etc you can easily forget that you aren't home and this isn't the norm really.

Anyway, into the week we go. Monday was another real full time day for me. I worked from 8:30 - 12:30 assisting, had a break, then taught for the rest of the afternoon. Again I had so much fun teaching. I got told I was very nice by a student. He also told me I was quite pretty too despite the fact that I didn't wear lipstick. Made me chuckle. I then made my way home to relax for a bit before being picked up by Pete to head to our pastors house. I was helping with teaching sewing and Pete was working on their car. After a day with kids, my patience was wearing slightly thin with the girls who 'tried' to listen and follow instructions. After the class, I kissed Pete goodbye and went home to put my feet up. Pete on the other hand worked until 11pm on the car.

Tuesday I began my day like most Tuesdays - with a sleep in! I then busied myself with organizing insurance for Jelly. After ringing around several places that weekend, we were told getting insurance on an international license was going to be impossible. However, I managed to find a company, so I spent my morning on the phone and the computer. I then made my way to work and within no time, was making my way home again. That night I had sewing. So with a new pattern and fabric, I began my new sewing project (spring pants). The time went so quickly. I love learning new things and hanging out with other women that share my passion about sewing.

Wednesday was another day. It was nice to not have anything on that night. So when Pete arrived home, he made us dinner and we snuggled in for the night in front of the Christmas tree (AKA Bob) that we have shamefully not disposed of yet, and the TV.

Thursday I indulged in another sleep in. The day went quickly and before I knew it, I was strolling off to work for the 'day'. After another enjoyable time at work, I made my way home to relax before we headed off for connect group. Our group was smaller than usual, so we spent the majority of our time praying for people close to us. It was awesome to do so, and awesome again to connect with our church family.

Friday appeared quite quickly. Before I knew it, I was chatting about plans for the weekend with colleagues then wishing them a good weekend before heading off for home. We had another quiet one that night with Pete heading for bed fairly early and me perusing YouTube and Facebook.

Saturday we lounged in bed, doing a devotional and chatting about future plans. We then headed off for the north to Cross Iron Mills. That is a large mall with several outlet stores. My find of the day was pants at a surf shop that were marked down 90%. Hadn't seen that before. Out of curiosity I glanced at the price. $3.99. Couldn't beat that I thought. So I tried 2 pairs of jean on and brought them. They were shorter jeans, perfect for the summer. Pete's find of the day was a pair of snow pants. In Oakley, I encouraged him to try a pair on. They were perfect - and marked at $150. The guy behind the til scanned them and they came up as $58! Perfect. When Pete tired, we made our way to church as our connect group was on set up and I was teaching that night. We had some time to kill before church, so stopped to sample the coffee at the coffee shop that got our tick of approval last week. Church was awesome. I had spent the week preparing for the lesson. It went so well. The kids were like little sponges soaking up everything the lesson about Zacchaeus had to offer. We then helped pack up after church, and then a bunch of us went to a local pub for some food. Overall, an awesome day which was made so much better knowing we had another free day the next day.

Sunday we awoke to a bucket load of sunshine, so we decided to open up the book a colleague gave me 'Day Trips From Calgary' to see where our travels should take us that day. We decided on 'Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump". A mouthful to say, but an amazing place to visit. Buffalo Jump is basically a hilltop where the First Nations used to skillfully cause the buffalo to stampede and then unknowingly jump off the hilltop. They used to do this in Autumn, and this would kill hundreds of buffalo, feeding a tribe for the winter. We learned so much and had so much fun. We love exploring more of our new home and especially learning more of the history.
A replica of the buffalo jumping the cliff. About 12m high.

These things weighed over half a tonne when mature. (I mean the buffalo of course) 

Me being extremely comfortable touching the buffalo.

View from the hilltop.

It was freezing and I foolishly told Pete to leave his coat in the car. The poor thing had a red nose pretty quickly.

Smashed in Head - Buffalo Jump.

Me looking closer. To be honest it was so cold my hands and eyes couldn't handle the telescope.

In a tipi. Pretty awesome.

Amazing creatures that First Nations relied on heavily for. They used them for food, shelter and warmth.

When the white man came into town, they started killing buffalo for sport often wasting the beast. That's where 'Buffalo Bill' came from. He organized hunting expeditions.

Me looking rough, but the scenery looking gorgeous.
And that brings us to another end of a week. Our book of day trips has many hikes, so if we're feeling adventurous, you may see snaps of us braving the cold to walk the beautiful land called Canada.