Tuesday 28 April 2015

Week 38 - Visa Update, Kind Words and More Running

Equipped with my planner and trusty laptop, I am here once again ready to relay our past week to our faithful readers. The week has not been anything out of the ordinary. We have though made developments visa wise, we have run and I received words that made me beam.

Monday we began our week at work. The day went well (for both of us). When Pete arrived home, we caught up over coffee (a tradition of ours) and then prepared ourselves for our run. As this week was Week 3 in our training schedule, the routine was kicked up a notch. After a range of activities (such as arm swinging and skipping) we had a 1km run at the end with a 5 minute rest and then another 1km run. I was convinced I would not be able to run the second km, but I was wrong. When we got home, we showered and fed ourselves and settled in for a night in on the couch.

Tuesday I took great delight in having the morning to myself. I made the most of the beautiful weather we are having, by curling up on our porch with a book. I then made my way to work where I had a great time with the kids. As I had sewing that night, I relaxed with Pete for a bit and then headed out the door. Sewing was again awesome. I made great progress with my dress, and I hope to be finished next session.

Wednesday was another day in which we worked, had coffee and relaxed at home. Nothing out of the ordinary here.

Thursday I spent my morning getting things done around the house. While eating lunch, I received a call from my boss. She was ringing to ask how the visa situation was going. I explained that Pete's boss had agreed to get an LMIA form (cost $1000) and advertise his job for 4 weeks. (A prerequisite for the form) I then explained that we have been advised for John (Pete's boss) to use a consultant to fill in the form. Her fee is $2500. Anne (my boss) said she really wants me to teach for her in September so she wants to help financially. It made me feel fantastic to know that she wants me that much. I then made my way to work. The time there was challenging (those 3 year old's I tell you) but good. When Pete arrived home, we had a quick dinner and then wandered down to the local school for their production of 'The Music Man'. We had an awesome night spotting kids we knew in the production (I say kids but I mean teenagers) and chomping down on Candy floss (I know, I have a problem). We then wandered home around half 9, with the stars out and a feeling of contentment between us that life was good.

Friday came with much relief. For some reason, the week had seemed longer than normal. I had a great time at work and then decided to stop in at the supermarket on my way home. It was there where I received some amazing words. When I walked out of the supermarket, a lady that worked there was walking back into the supermarket. She said, "Can I tell you something?" Intrigued I said "Sure!" She then went on to say, "I just want to tell you that you are so beautiful. My colleague and I saw you when you entered the supermarket and both said to each other wow, she is beautiful." I was stunned. I thanked her and told her she had made my day. Feeling elated, I made my way home to make a potato bake for a BBQ we were heading to later that night. When Pete arrived home, we had planned to go for our run, but time was not on our hands. So we decided to run Saturday morning. Instead Pete showered and we made our way north to Peter and Carols house. The BBQ was awesome. We hung out with a bunch of friends and ate loads of food. My potato bake was a hit which reaffirmed to me that maybe, just maybe, I can cook. We were one of the last to leave, and made our way home tired but full of gratitude for our amazing friends.

Saturday I awoke to sun streaming through the gaps in the curtains. I let Pete sleep in, and spent time with God. After a while, I asked Pete if he was still keen to run. "Of course" he replied enthusiastically. So we geared up and made our way out the door. We both found the run good. My times for our 1km runs improved from 8:28 for the first km to 8:19 for the second. After arriving home, we showered and then headed out for a day of errands. We went to place I visit on a weekly basis (the bank) and then made our way to the library. We then made our way to Old Navy as I had pants to return. I was swayed by their sales and spent the rest of my pocket money very quickly. We then made our way home to relax for a bit before heading to church that night. Before we left for church, Pete ate something that didn't agree with him, so he stayed home while I went as I was on kids church. The time there went well. As Claire (our friend) was speaking, I was silently praying that no kids would turn up so I could hear her message. But the kids trickled in. However, we had an awesome night together. As I had heaps planned, we only managed to get through half before church was wrapping up. I left church to head back to Pete. He was watching a movie, so I left him to it and settled into bed with my i pad to Face time my parents. I had a great heart to heart with dad which always leaves me feeling warm fuzzies. I did hang up feeling ready to jump on a plane home to see them. Thank goodness we get to see Pete's parents soon.

Sunday we had high hopes for the day. We perused our 'Day Trips From Calgary' book and found a place called High River. It was half an hour from Calgary. We left with empty tummies, hoping to find sustenance there. But the town was very quiet for a Sunday, so we took a look around, discovered the information center was opening the next weekend, so made our way back to Calgary. With tummies still empty, we decided to stop in at the Saskatoon Farm for food. Many others however had this thought in mind also, so after standing in the line for a bit, we decided to abort that plan. We then made our way to a coffee place recommended by a colleague. The coffee was great but not hot enough. Pete at this stage was like a bear with a sore paw. Sure, he got his caffeine fix, but he wanted food and stat! So after deciding to head home, we stopped in at Swiss Chalet for food. We hadn't been there before, but loved it. We then made our way home to veg. Pete had a bath, and I mucked about. When Pete emerged all wrinkly from the bath, we then began mapping out our time with mum and dad. We have a few things planned, and are super excited to see them. Then with an 'elaborate' dinner of peanut butter on toast, we snuggled up on the couch for a movie before hitting the sack.

For you Dad!

At the Saskatoon Farm.

Our stop for coffee.

My afternoon treat.
So I failed dismally with my goal of getting more snaps. Everything (day trip wise) seems to open on May 1, so we have planned another day trip next weekend. I will definitely get snaps then. And rest assured, I will ensure that Pete is fed so he shows his face in photos and smiles in them.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Week 37 - Meetings, Running and Life in General

Another week been and gone here in Canada. It's been a week of meetings, socializing and spending time with each other. So without further ado, let's get into it.

Monday we both had work for the day. Once Pete arrived home, we caught up on our day and then prepared ourselves for week 2 of training. Our run went well. I am as ungraceful in my running as ever. Pete, I fear is getting even more graceful with his running. Oh well, as I continually remind myself, I'm in a race against myself and no one else. As I keep track of my times, I have improved my time for a 1km run from 13.02 mins from the first run to 8.53 mins. I'm pretty happy with that.

Tuesday was a great day at work. I had fun mucking about with the 3 year olds. After work we had a meeting for summer camp. I have decided to teach in summer camp over July. I'm looking forward to it, but it does require a bit of work. After my meeting, I called Pete upon his request. He had been home for a bit and wanted to know if I wanted to be picked up as the weather had turned nasty. I declined, but suggested we meet at Starbucks for a coffee and catch up before we headed out that night for a movie. After filling my body with caffeine, we made our way to the movie early as it was cheap Tuesday and we expected crowds. We were pleasantly surprised to find few people. So we ordered snacks and found a good seat (no such thing as allocated seating here) to watch Fast and the Furious #7. After much suspense, tears and mouthfuls of cotton candy, we made our way home.

Wednesday I worked my day at work, made my way home for a bit and then headed back to work for another meeting. This time the venue of the meeting was Tim Horton's which I must admit I have grown fairly fond of. The meeting went well (more planning for summer camp) and we both (Cindy - a colleague and I) left feeling good to get that item off the 'to do' list. Once the meeting was over, I made my way home for a run with my graceful gazelle. With the run done and dusted, we made dinner for ourselves and booked ourselves in for a 5Km run! It's in June and is the run for water run. Now that should keep us motivated.

Thursday I decided that with all this sun, it was time to whip out the spring clothing. So donned in my spring outfit I went to work. I received loads of compliments on my attire. None from the kids however, but I wouldn't expect that. Pete had to work later that night, so after he arrived home, we had a quick dinner before I made my way out to meet people. Intriguing I know. I have done a program called Weigh Down in the past. As a result I lost a bit of weight. On the Weigh Down Facebook page, a lady (Sherri) asked if anyone lived in Calgary. I said I did. So after much tooing and frooing, we decided to meet. I also met another lady called Lyndsi. We had tea and chatted. It was an awesome evening. I can proudly say that I then made my way home without the assistance of Moana (our GPS).

Friday brought the end to another work week. I did my normal shift and again made my way to work for another meeting. Ahhh, the bain of my existence. This meeting was thought to take 20 minutes. 2 and a half hours later, I tiredly made my way in the door, kissed Pete and then said, "ready for our run?" Jeez, what have I turned into???  So, we did our run, and settled down to dinner and TV. Bliss. On a side note, we received news regarding our visa. Pete has to get an LMIA form. This means his job is advertised for 4 weeks, and his boss needs to pay $1000 to keep Pete in his position. If no-one gets the job, and Pete is the better candidate, the form is sent in (with the fee) and then if approved, I get to tag on as I am Pete's wife. Pete told John what needed to happen and John said not a problem. I was ecstatic as that means we are one step closer to staying here. The work permit would also give us another 4 years tops over another year. Pete was very excited about this, but I intend on coming home after another year here.

Saturday we decided to food shop. My attitude towards food shopping has altered drastically. We now shop in Okotoks which is 15 minutes out of Calgary. Before shopping, we went to a bakery to have a bite to eat and a coffee. It took us a while to find this gem, but we were so glad we did find it. After eating till I was about to pop, we went to explore the area. We had the intention of going to a sale, but got there and decided not to. We did however find other shops. We stopped in, and I found my new favorite shop in Canada. Winners! Its is pretty much a shop that sells big brands for a smaller price tag. It reminds me of a thrift shop as there are often not the same of one thing. We purchased a few things. Mine were running related. Again, I repeat, what have I turned into? We then did our food shopping and made our way home to relax before heading to church. I was teaching again. The lesson went well and despite missing out on the message, I was still fed as someone asked if they could pray for me. He spoke such life over me, and then asked God to give me pictures. He asked for it then and there. God gave me a picture of a rushing river and brought a song to mind with the lyrics "stirring up deep deep wells, stirring up deep deep waters." After helping pack up, we went to a pub with a bunch of friends. Pete had to have his customary Guinness and I had my customary coke. Overall, we had the best time.

Latte and an oreo cupcake.

Coconut and cupcake. My favorites!

Found me a good chai latte. Whoop whoop.
Sunday dawned bright. The sun woke me up, so for a change I got up first and left Pete in bed. I woke him around 9ish, so we could get out and about. I had a couple of places I wanted to go. One being IKEA. We haven't been to this glorious place since we first arrived in Calgary. We went with intention of getting towels. I am pleased to say, we only came out with towels, 2 knives and spice jars. I had forgotten how much I love IKEA. We perused the shop, stopped for a $1 pop (that's refillable - a bargain) and continued perusing the shop. I found so much stuff I wanted to buy. But with the state of our being here longer still not firm, I had to resist. We then went to another new love. That being 'Old Navy' (a clothes shop). As I had mentally spent my pocket money there, I went to try on a bunch of clothes. As there weren't things available in my size, I decided to purchase my desired pieces online. So, after some window shopping, we made our way home for another relaxing night in.

If that's New York in the background, I'll be there in a few weeks!

Found my bath. I'm sure I could post it home.

So wanted this one. It would look perfect on our tiny patio.

Enjoying our $1 pop.
And so ends another week here. The weather is stunning with loads of sun and a cool breeze. Hopefully we can get some snaps of the that for you next time.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Week 36 - Running, Thrift Shopping and Nights in.

Another week here and gone. The week has been the same old except we have morphed into running extraordinaires. We have also done more thrift shopping than usual (not that I am complaining) and we have had a few more nights in.

Monday was the first day of my second week off. The day was full of me getting things done that I had been putting off. I then decided to sew a headband for our first night of running. To cut a long story short, the machine got the better of me and I gave up. When Pete arrived home, we donned ourselves in our running apparel and headed out the door with cell phones and jackets. Running with a jacket was imperative as it had been snowing all day. However, I am pleased to report that it did not deter us. Thankfully the paths were clear. After 51 minutes and 7 seconds, we elatedly climbed the stairs to the shower and had a quiet night in.

Tuesday I spent the majority of my day getting things ticked off the 'to do' list. I managed to cut fabric out for sewing that night which meant I had more time to sew that evening. After Pete arrived home, we sipped on coffee and caught up, had dinner and before I knew it I was kissing him goodbye and heading off to sewing. As I had all my fabric cut out I was feeling confident with the project I was undertaking. However, pride comes before a fall. After sewing the arms onto the garment, Stephanie (my sewing teacher) gently highlighted the fact that I had sewn the arms on wrong. Let's just say that the un-picker and I were very well acquainted that night.

Wednesday was another day of getting things done. When Pete arrived home, we sat down for our usual cuppa and then made our way out for another run. I want to go into the running for a bit. For some strange reason, both Pete and I have felt like taking up running. I despise it, always have and I felt I always would. However, my mindset is changing. My goal (other than to run 5Kms consistently) is to develop a love for running. When we run, Pete is so graceful. He reminds me of a gazelle. I on the other hand plod along. To tie in with the African animal theme, I would be the hippo, plodding along. Nevertheless, I have been able to run for 1km without stopping, something I am immensely proud of.

Me geared up for our run.
Thursday I decided to accompany Pete to work so I could have the use of Jelly for the day. I started the day with a final shop at Target (I couldn't resist), where I found a couple of bargains. I then spent the rest of my day visiting thrift shops (only 2, I reined myself in) and visiting shops that I knew weren't Pete's cup of tea. I then made my way to pick up Pete so we could make an appointment we had at the bank. Our appointment went well. We wanted our accounts joint and our credit card. It was frustrating being married to Pete and not being allowed the see the balance of 'his' credit card. The outcome was a new credit card with a better interest rate and a slightly larger limit on the card. We then hurriedly made our way home so Pete could watch the hockey game (Calgary was playing for the play offs) and I diligently made dinner before heading to our room to watch some good old YouTube.

Friday I caught the productivity bug. This pretty much meant I took to the house with a rag and the vacuum. I cleaned out the office which was predominantly known as our dumping ground. I cleaned places I have been meaning to clean. I also planned the lesson for kids church as I was teaching on Saturday. When Pete arrived home, we went for another run before returning home for a relaxing night in. And it was relaxing. I think we got around to dinner at half 9.

Saturday was one of the best days for someone like me. We thrift shopped! Pete saw a place advertising on Facebook called Thriftopia. Everything was $2. He suggested we go. I think I fell a little more in love with my husband when he suggested that. After a semi successful shop there, we made our way to the road when I saw another thrift store. I mentioned there was another one and Pete said "Why do you think I'm heading that way." Again I fell more in love with him. This place was chocha block with great finds. After exercising a great deal of self control, I walked out with 6 pieces. We then made our way home to relax before making our way to church. Church was surprisingly non-eventful as there were no kids there that night so I had no-one to teach. A friend gave us a word which was spot on with what God has been speaking to me about this week. As I was wilting quickly, we made our way home once the service ended.

Sunday was an errand day. We went to the library (no surprises there), picked up ink for the printer, and Pete purchased new running shoes with his pocket money. After arriving home, Pete whipped up dinner for us (Elk loin) which we had been given by Shayden (Pete's work colleague). It was scrummy. We squeezed in a quick Face time date with Pete's parents before heading to bed to rest up for another week here in Canada.

Enjoying an ice-cream sundae.

Pete enjoying his ice cream.
And so ends another week here in Canada. As we are conscience of what we spend leading up to Pete's parent coming over, we may not have many action packed weeks for you. But when they get here, those blogs will more than make up for that!

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Week 35 - Quiet Nights In, Easter and Window Shopping

Here we are. Another week down. Time seems to be running away from us. Our week has been a fairly low key one, but it's a week non the same and that's what you readers like to hear about.

Monday meant back to work for me. It was good getting back into the swing of things and catching up with work colleagues. The day went by unlike any other. After work, I made my way home to relax. Once Pete arrived home, we had our customary coffee and catch up before I headed out to Target. As you know by now, my beloved Target is almost no more here in Canada. So, I had to get one last trip in before they close their doors for good. Pete was prepared for me to come home with bags of stuff. He was pleasantly surprised as I found nothing. The shelves had been stripped bare. I did find some cute shorts though. I tried them on and thought they were fairly snug for a large. However, upon closer inspection, I discovered the shorts were for little girls. Yay for fitting (just) little girls shorts.

Tuesday was a quiet day. I did my thing around the house, and then made my way to work. There I made the discovery that what had been promised to me work wise, was also offered to someone else. I felt bad as I didn't want to be taking work off others. Cindy (a colleague) said she would ask our boss what was going on. I went home to share the news with Pete that things at work may not turn out as expected. We also discussed our plans for the future. This is something we get asked about a lot. Well, New Zealander's now have 2 years in Canada. However, that does not apply for us. So we have to go through the process all over again. We are unsure how to go about this, and as the guy who is helping us is on holiday at the moment, we remain unsure. We do intend on staying here another year. We want to. It's just a matter of whether the Canadian government wants us to as well.

Wednesday was work and then a hair cut. Growing out the pixie cut is a tedious activity. It also means I get to know my hairdresser well as I am there a lot. I am pleased to say that I am almost at the bob stage. After, in my opinion, the BEST head massage, I spent the next hour having my hair trimmed. Pete sat next to me and we all chatted. We then made our way home for food and a quiet night in.

Thursday things were cleared up work wise. My boss handed me the contract for September. It stated that I will assist Mon, Wed, Fri 8:30 - 1:15 at Apple Tree (where I currently work and can walk to) and Tue and Thur I will be teaching 3 classes each day at Kids at Play (a half hour bus ride away). I am not adverse to taking the bus, but I only have to take it 2 times a week as Pete can pick me up from work on the way home from work. I was upfront with my boss re the visa situation. She asked if I could give her a clear answer by May 31st. I said we could as the visa process is expected to take us 6 weeks. She said as far as she is concerned I will be working for her come September. I sure hope so. That evening we made our way to connect group. There we discussed Jesus and his death. The discussion sure opened my eyes more to all Jesus went through to save our sins.

Friday was Good Friday which meant a day off. Pete was over the moon about this as he has been working hard. This weekend we couldn't travel as Pete was on call for work. We slept in, did a devotional together and then made our way to an Outlet Mall. We had a good day out, not buying a lot except much needed jandals for the Spring. Heck, I say much needed, but as I am writing this, the snow is pouring out of the sky, and we are once again in a winter wonderland. We then made our way home for a quiet night in.

Saturday was a day of errands. We went to the library where I checked out far too many books. I know what my week off is going to entail. We then purchased Easter eggs for Sunday and paid a visit to IHOP. Generally we just enjoyed each others company. Before we knew it, it was time for church. There is no sugar coating this. We bunked. So we had another quiet night in.

More food for you Dad. Hehe.

Ahhh IHOP. Much loved by me.
Sunday we started our morning with coffee and planning. What for you ask? For when Mum and Dad come over. We planned out our week here in Calgary. Well, sort of as we intend on taking them beyond Calgary. We then made our way to Chapters (a big book store) where we perused the shelves. Pete brought a magazine and then we had a coffee at Starbucks. We then did a bit more window shopping where we got Pete some singlets for summer. I say summer, but I really mean for any weather as that's when he wears them. We also purchased me some running pants. (You will hear more about our running saga next week) We then came home to do taxes, which are now complete! We also skyped our friends Wes and Lorinda for a couple of hours. It was so good seeing them and their gorgeous family. Several times I forgot we were taking through an i pad and I tricked myself into believing that we were in their lounge like old times. Before too long, we said our good byes and then settled in for a romantic night of watching a documentary about Monopoly. Hehe.

Yay Cadbury. The selection of Easter Eggs here were dismal.

Pete looking Canadian with his Canadian hockey Easter bunny.
And so ends another week here in Canada. With our time possibly coming to an end here soon, the time seems to be gong faster. Nevertheless, we will enjoy every moment, and I promise I will get more shots than this week.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Week 34 - Break Time, Celebrity Spotting and Canmore

Well Spring break has been and gone. The week was a nice and quiet one for me. Sadly it was not quite so nice and quiet for Pete.

Monday I didn't sleep in on my first day of Spring Break. Instead, I sleepily made my way to work with Pete so I could have the use of our trusted stead for the day. So, after heading home to feed myself and become slightly more presentable, I headed off for my first destination - Value Village. Did you really think I would not go thrift shopping at least once in my week off? After a suitable amount of time perusing the racks, I walked out with nothing. I know, I am just as shocked as you are. I then made my way to Fabric Land. I had sewing the next night and had to find my next project. An hour and a half later, I left and wearily made my way home. I love sewing, but the selections of patterns and fabrics can sometimes be slightly overwhelming. Anyway, in no time at all I was picking Pete up, where we came home to have a quiet night in.

Tuesday I pottered around the place during the day. The evening brought more excitement as I went to sewing. I finally finished my pants. They are so comfortable. The cool thing is that I can easily make shorts using this pattern. I had an awesome night with my sewing group. I am learning how to get my head around this pattern reading thing, so managed a few steps without requiring so much of Stephanie (my sewing teachers) attention. The highlight of my night was Pete oohing and ahhing over my latest creation.

Wednesday was another day of pottering around. That evening, we headed out to run a couple of errands. We finished the evening with ice-cream. The way they make an ice cream in a cone here is cool. You pick your flavor and toppings and they put the ice cream on a cold surface and smoosh everything together. Once combined, they then put it in a cone. Genius.

Thursday was much the same as Tuesday and Wednesday. I did pay a visit to work to sign a permanent contract. My boss asked me if I wanted more hours, to which I quickly said yes. She then said she may have a job opening at her second pre school which is 10 minutes drive from the one I work at. The job would require more teaching which means more pay. I said I would talk it over with Pete. That evening, we were due to go to connect. But alas, time was not on our hands and Pete had to work late. So we missed connect and instead took a trip to the area in which the second pre school is. We discovered it was in a complex of shops with a coffee shop (and a good one at that) two doors down. If the job comes to pass, I will take the bus as we only have the one vehicle.

Friday came only too quickly. I made my way to the bank during the day and had a good old natter with Grace (the teller). Her and her husband have been to New York, so with our trip coming up, I asked her for any tips she had. After our chat and transaction, she told me she loves seeing me and hearing my sexy accent. Yep, that saying is still not getting old at all. That night, we made our way out to a friends surprise birthday. We had the best time. During the evening, Kurt (a friend) told me that huge blessings are coming my way. He said God knows what's on my heart and it's coming. He then went to say more and stopped feeling he shouldn't say anything else. What he couldn't resist doing was offering tidbits though which were exciting.

Saturday we rose early to make our way to Canmore (about an hour and a half drive away) for the day. We had purchased a voucher to breakfast there, so decided to make a day of it. After breakfast, we wandered around town which was awesome. While walking along the main street, Pete casually leaned over and said, "Did you see Godwin?" For those unfamiliar with this camouflaged adorned bloke, he is off Duck Dynasty. I was stunned to discover it was him. Sadly, there weren't any other crew members. Stupidly I didn't behave like the star struck fool I wanted to behave like so I didn't get a photo. Oh well. After exploring the town more, and taking a few shots of the stunning scenery, we headed for home to get back in time for church. 

Pete in deep thought.

The Rockies surround Canmore.

Me sucking on a sweet!

A monument and the Rockies.

It is truly beautiful here.

See what I mean - Beautiful.

Us playing with the timer on my camera.
Sunday we enjoyed a leisurely start to the day. Sleep in and coffee. Once we were ready, we made our way to Target. Our trip didn't go well as I am not coping well with the closing down of the store. So each time I go in, I want to savour my time there. Pete does not share my mindset. So, to my disgust, he rushed me out. After a terse discussion, I declared I would be going back at a later stage - without him. He thought that would be a good idea. We then ran a few more errands. We headed north to pick up a part of my sewing machine that was not included when I initially picked it up. We then got lost. I love getting lost when you have a tank of gas and time on your hands. Pete however does not share my opinion. (Hmm, sensing a pattern here) We resorted to using Moana (our sometimes reliable GPS unit). We then made our way to the mall. This was not a good idea as we have a limited income, which to put it simply means we can't spend money on things we don't really need. That made me depressed as in New Zealand, we were both earning good wages, so we had a disposable income. Here however, we don't. Pete handled my bout of depression well, and before I knew it, I was chipper again as I realized I have my best friend with me on this adventure we call life, and if I had to pick money over him, he would win hands down.

That night I had a date with a bunch of girl friends. We went to see Cinderella. We then continued our evening out by going to my beloved Denny's. I had the best night. I didn't keep track of the time at all, and before I knew it, 11pm had arrived. So, we made our way home. On the way home, I experienced something that made me feel more like a Canadian. We drove down the street and I thought someone was smoking pot. The smell lasted for a while. I thought to myself, wow, there must be a few houses smoking the stuff. When we arrived home, I discovered it wasn't pot I was smelling. It was a skunk! I was over the moon excited as I always thought to smell a skunk would mean I got sprayed by one.

And that is the end to another week here. While typing this I have discovered that we can't extend our visa as easily as I had anticipated. So next week may involve boring visa talk. Brace yourself people.