Monday 11 May 2015

Week 40 - Christmas Has Come ... Well, Sort of.

Ahh, bliss. Here I am composing this weeks blog in Pete's new chair (an early birthday pressie from his parents) with mum on the couch doing her thing scoping out what to do in New York. The boys have made their way to the archery range to shoot up a storm.

Monday was a standard day for me. I worked, went home to rest and eat, and then made my way back to work for a short staff meeting. Pete had a slightly different day. He worked his normal day, and then continued to work into the evening on a friends vehicle. He arrived home tired and covered in oil at 9pm. So as you can probably guess, he showered and crawled into bed shortly after arriving home.

Tuesday I used my time to myself in the morning to begin getting things sorted for when Mum and Dad arrived. The time went quickly and before I knew it, I was reunited with the challenging 3 year olds. Despite my apprehension at working with the group, we had a good time together (it helped that our most tricky child was sadly absent). As Monday was a write off for running, we decided to run before I had to head out for sewing. Our run has again become more challenging. It consisted in a range of exercises before we ran for 0.5km with a 2 minute rest 3 times before running another 1.5 km. So, a total of 3km worth of running. To say I was sore the next day would be an understatement. After our run, I headed off to sewing. There I discovered I had Stephanie (my sewing teacher) all to myself, so we spent the evening chatting and sewing. I managed to finish my dress (photos to come).

Wednesday was another work day. I spent my free time again preparing our apartment for Mum and Dad. When Pete arrived home, we decided to skip our planned run as the weather had turned nasty. So we had a quiet night in.

Thursday work was a bit different for me as we had no classes, instead, we had a Mothers Day tea party. The kids had a ball singing to their mums and spoiling them with gifts they had made in class. When Pete arrived home, we ate and then headed to connect group. There we prayed for each other and then discussed the concept of hope. Time got away with us, so we left after 10.

Friday arrived. I awoke feeling like it was Christmas, knowing that today would be the day that Mum and Dad were to arrive. I headed to work earlier than normal, (to help set up for a Mothers Day tea party for other classes) and work went by quickly with 3 more Mothers Day tea parties. My colleagues wished me an awesome holiday and before long I was merrily on my way to get a couple of last minute things sorted. Pete arrived home in good time, elated to be on holiday. He showered and shaved and then we made our way to the airport. We didn't have too long to wait (although it always feels like it when you are waiting for people to come out) before we (okay, more like me) were exclaiming they were here and running to embrace them. After arriving home and getting settled, we decided to walk up to the shops to grab a bite to eat. So with pizzas and pop, we settled in for a good chin wag.

Saturday dawned bright. Both Pete and I were up early. Pete made pancakes and before long we were boarding Jelly to head to IKEA. Mum and Dad were in awe of the place, and 3 hours later, we emerged with a few purchases in tow and slightly dazed expressions. We then made our way to Okotoks for a coffee and a quick visit to Winners. As time was slipping away, we then left for home, to grab a quick bite to eat before heading to church. At church we were blown away by the welcome our church family gave Mum and Dad. They were asked to stand in front of the church for Pete to introduce them. We then had several people come and introduce themselves telling Mum and Dad that they had amazing kids (I swear we didn't pay people to say that either!). Zelda (our connect leader) shared her testimony which blew us all away. I left church feeling so proud of our church family and so blessed.

Sunday the day began as slightly overcast, so we skipped the idea of cycling along the bow river. Instead we made our way to Cross Iron Mills for some shopping. Mum and I had a ball, Pete and Dad not so much. After shopping up a storm (Mum and I that is), we made our way home to have a quiet night in.

A metal figure that reminded me of my Dad.

Don't they look cute!

Us dreaming. Boats here are way more affordable than in NZ.

Me sporting my new hat.

Pete is his element.

Bass Pro Shop is mind blowing. Mum and Dad loved it.
We are so excited to have our long awaited guests here. We have a few things planned for the week that we are revealing to Mum and Dad bit by bit. Tomorrow we are heading out of Calgary. The only clues we have given is what to pack and for how long. So the next blog will reveal more.

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