Monday 4 May 2015

Week 39 - Flights booked, Deb Down and Running in a New Location

I'm doing something a little different as I write the blog for this week. I'm relaxing in bed deciding to  get a head start as it's only Saturday. Our week has been fairly normal. We did step out of our comfort zones by becoming travel agents for one night of the week and by running in a different location.

Monday brought another work day. I didn't mind at all. I love my job, and I love the walk I take to get to work each morning. The work day went well, and before I knew it, Pete had arrived home and we were preparing ourselves for our run. The training has again been kicked up a notch with the end of the training session requiring us to run 1.5km. I was sure I would not be able to do this, but my body continues to surprise me, and I did. After arriving home, we settled in for a night of food and TV.

Tuesday meant I started work later (1:30pm). So I did a few things around the house before making my way to work. Even though I only assist with one class Tuesday and Thursday, I find these days hard. They are with the 3 year old's and some of them, to put it bluntly, are slightly feral. However, once the 'delights' leave, we chuckle over their antics, or realistically we moan and groan and get on with sorting out the destruction they have left behind. Okay, so they aren't that bad, but seriously, I wonder about some of these kids. As I didn't have sewing that night, we enjoyed having another quiet one at home.

Wednesday was supposed to be a big day of work for me with me assisting in the morning and then teaching in the afternoon. I guess you picked up the key word there. Supposed. As it was that time of the month, I awoke to cramps. I popped a couple of pills and went about getting myself ready for work. However, between periods of me lying in bed to summon strength and seeing a pale, sweaty (and I mean sweaty) reflection of myself, I called around the find a replacement. I rang my boss promising to let her know if I would be able to make it that afternoon to teach. After a sleep and more pain relief, I was feeling good, so I made my way into work. It was really nice seeing so many people concerned about my well being. I had an awesome time teaching and again loved being back in the saddle. As I was still not 'on form' we ditched the run for the night, instead opting to peruse the internet for flights to New York. After intensive research, a fairly large amount of complaining and me wishing my mother in law was here to do this for me (she loves it), we found the perfect flights. The catch was that they were to JFK and not Newark Airport. We figured for $400 cheaper we would fly to JFK and bus it to Newark.

Thursday I covered for a colleague in the morning, so gosh darn, I missed out on seeing the cherubs for the Thursday afternoon. I did have to go back to work to discuss the plan for Friday as I was teaching again. I asked Lynette (who covered my shift) if she had had a good afternoon. "It was perfectly delightful," she replied sarcastically. We had a good chuckle and then I discussed with Cindy the plan for the next day. I then made my way home to have a bite to eat with Pete before we made our way to connect group. We had an awesome night praying for others and others praying for us. During worship God gave me a picture of me in a circular courtyard with high brick walls and closed doors on the walls. I was inside and God was out. He said the doors were things in life I had to sort to allow Him to come through the doors and closer to me. We also had great words spoken over us and left feeling encouraged that maybe our miracle was closer than we thought.

Friday was a full day at work for me assisting and then teaching. It was nice to have been missed by the kids. I again loved teaching in the afternoon, and walked home happy. When Pete arrived home, we had our customary coffee catch up, and then headed out for a run. We found the run went well where we both improved our times. Once home, we dined and then put on the hat of travel agents once again where we booked our flights to New York. Pete then soaked in the tub and I curled up on the couch with my i pad.

Saturday I woke early, so I made my way out into the lounge to spend time with God. There He showed me what two of the doors were (see Thursday's picture) so I spent some time praying things out. After Pete arose from his slumber, we lounged around the house for a bit before heading out to the mall. We were on the hunt for underwear for Pete. We found some great underwear on sale and then did a bit more window shopping before heading home. When we got home, we did something glorious. We got into bed and had a rest. Yep, we are officially getting older. As the cupboards were bare, we then decided to head out for tea and food shop instead of going to church. We went to my favorite - Denny's. There I realized I am becoming more Canadian. Pete paid for the meal in cash.When we got outside, I asked him how much he tipped. He said "Whoops, I forgot." I was mortified. But as we needed the change for the trolley at the supermarket, we shamefully gaped it. Shopping was an easy experience and was nice and quiet. After our shop, we headed home.

Me trying on a hat.

If we get to stay longer, I think I wanna get one.
Sunday the roles were reversed and I slept in while Pete got up early. Once we had coffee in our systems, we made our way to Old Navy (I know, I know, I have a problem) so I could get some new PJs. We decided to try a mall in the North. It took us a while to get there as we took the long route, but it was worth it. We then had another look around, grabbed a bite to eat, and then made our way home. There we relaxed for a bit before kitting ourselves out in our running gear to go for a run. We decided to run around the Glenmore Reservoir which was beautiful. Once the run was done, we hastily made our way home to shower and change before heading out to a friends house for dinner. There were a bunch of us there, and we had an awesome night eating, playing board games and hanging out. Before we knew it, the clock was striking 10pm, so we headed home to jump into bed in preparation for our last week at work before our holiday.

Me prior to the run.

Pete prior to the run.

Us pre run.

Stretching it out.

Us after the run.

Our View after the run.
And there goes another week here. We are so looking forward to Friday as we are picking up Pete's parents from the airport to spend 2 weeks together. One in Canada and one in New York. We have loads planned, so you will likely get sick of all the photos. Until then...

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