Tuesday 28 April 2015

Week 38 - Visa Update, Kind Words and More Running

Equipped with my planner and trusty laptop, I am here once again ready to relay our past week to our faithful readers. The week has not been anything out of the ordinary. We have though made developments visa wise, we have run and I received words that made me beam.

Monday we began our week at work. The day went well (for both of us). When Pete arrived home, we caught up over coffee (a tradition of ours) and then prepared ourselves for our run. As this week was Week 3 in our training schedule, the routine was kicked up a notch. After a range of activities (such as arm swinging and skipping) we had a 1km run at the end with a 5 minute rest and then another 1km run. I was convinced I would not be able to run the second km, but I was wrong. When we got home, we showered and fed ourselves and settled in for a night in on the couch.

Tuesday I took great delight in having the morning to myself. I made the most of the beautiful weather we are having, by curling up on our porch with a book. I then made my way to work where I had a great time with the kids. As I had sewing that night, I relaxed with Pete for a bit and then headed out the door. Sewing was again awesome. I made great progress with my dress, and I hope to be finished next session.

Wednesday was another day in which we worked, had coffee and relaxed at home. Nothing out of the ordinary here.

Thursday I spent my morning getting things done around the house. While eating lunch, I received a call from my boss. She was ringing to ask how the visa situation was going. I explained that Pete's boss had agreed to get an LMIA form (cost $1000) and advertise his job for 4 weeks. (A prerequisite for the form) I then explained that we have been advised for John (Pete's boss) to use a consultant to fill in the form. Her fee is $2500. Anne (my boss) said she really wants me to teach for her in September so she wants to help financially. It made me feel fantastic to know that she wants me that much. I then made my way to work. The time there was challenging (those 3 year old's I tell you) but good. When Pete arrived home, we had a quick dinner and then wandered down to the local school for their production of 'The Music Man'. We had an awesome night spotting kids we knew in the production (I say kids but I mean teenagers) and chomping down on Candy floss (I know, I have a problem). We then wandered home around half 9, with the stars out and a feeling of contentment between us that life was good.

Friday came with much relief. For some reason, the week had seemed longer than normal. I had a great time at work and then decided to stop in at the supermarket on my way home. It was there where I received some amazing words. When I walked out of the supermarket, a lady that worked there was walking back into the supermarket. She said, "Can I tell you something?" Intrigued I said "Sure!" She then went on to say, "I just want to tell you that you are so beautiful. My colleague and I saw you when you entered the supermarket and both said to each other wow, she is beautiful." I was stunned. I thanked her and told her she had made my day. Feeling elated, I made my way home to make a potato bake for a BBQ we were heading to later that night. When Pete arrived home, we had planned to go for our run, but time was not on our hands. So we decided to run Saturday morning. Instead Pete showered and we made our way north to Peter and Carols house. The BBQ was awesome. We hung out with a bunch of friends and ate loads of food. My potato bake was a hit which reaffirmed to me that maybe, just maybe, I can cook. We were one of the last to leave, and made our way home tired but full of gratitude for our amazing friends.

Saturday I awoke to sun streaming through the gaps in the curtains. I let Pete sleep in, and spent time with God. After a while, I asked Pete if he was still keen to run. "Of course" he replied enthusiastically. So we geared up and made our way out the door. We both found the run good. My times for our 1km runs improved from 8:28 for the first km to 8:19 for the second. After arriving home, we showered and then headed out for a day of errands. We went to place I visit on a weekly basis (the bank) and then made our way to the library. We then made our way to Old Navy as I had pants to return. I was swayed by their sales and spent the rest of my pocket money very quickly. We then made our way home to relax for a bit before heading to church that night. Before we left for church, Pete ate something that didn't agree with him, so he stayed home while I went as I was on kids church. The time there went well. As Claire (our friend) was speaking, I was silently praying that no kids would turn up so I could hear her message. But the kids trickled in. However, we had an awesome night together. As I had heaps planned, we only managed to get through half before church was wrapping up. I left church to head back to Pete. He was watching a movie, so I left him to it and settled into bed with my i pad to Face time my parents. I had a great heart to heart with dad which always leaves me feeling warm fuzzies. I did hang up feeling ready to jump on a plane home to see them. Thank goodness we get to see Pete's parents soon.

Sunday we had high hopes for the day. We perused our 'Day Trips From Calgary' book and found a place called High River. It was half an hour from Calgary. We left with empty tummies, hoping to find sustenance there. But the town was very quiet for a Sunday, so we took a look around, discovered the information center was opening the next weekend, so made our way back to Calgary. With tummies still empty, we decided to stop in at the Saskatoon Farm for food. Many others however had this thought in mind also, so after standing in the line for a bit, we decided to abort that plan. We then made our way to a coffee place recommended by a colleague. The coffee was great but not hot enough. Pete at this stage was like a bear with a sore paw. Sure, he got his caffeine fix, but he wanted food and stat! So after deciding to head home, we stopped in at Swiss Chalet for food. We hadn't been there before, but loved it. We then made our way home to veg. Pete had a bath, and I mucked about. When Pete emerged all wrinkly from the bath, we then began mapping out our time with mum and dad. We have a few things planned, and are super excited to see them. Then with an 'elaborate' dinner of peanut butter on toast, we snuggled up on the couch for a movie before hitting the sack.

For you Dad!

At the Saskatoon Farm.

Our stop for coffee.

My afternoon treat.
So I failed dismally with my goal of getting more snaps. Everything (day trip wise) seems to open on May 1, so we have planned another day trip next weekend. I will definitely get snaps then. And rest assured, I will ensure that Pete is fed so he shows his face in photos and smiles in them.

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