Wednesday 15 April 2015

Week 36 - Running, Thrift Shopping and Nights in.

Another week here and gone. The week has been the same old except we have morphed into running extraordinaires. We have also done more thrift shopping than usual (not that I am complaining) and we have had a few more nights in.

Monday was the first day of my second week off. The day was full of me getting things done that I had been putting off. I then decided to sew a headband for our first night of running. To cut a long story short, the machine got the better of me and I gave up. When Pete arrived home, we donned ourselves in our running apparel and headed out the door with cell phones and jackets. Running with a jacket was imperative as it had been snowing all day. However, I am pleased to report that it did not deter us. Thankfully the paths were clear. After 51 minutes and 7 seconds, we elatedly climbed the stairs to the shower and had a quiet night in.

Tuesday I spent the majority of my day getting things ticked off the 'to do' list. I managed to cut fabric out for sewing that night which meant I had more time to sew that evening. After Pete arrived home, we sipped on coffee and caught up, had dinner and before I knew it I was kissing him goodbye and heading off to sewing. As I had all my fabric cut out I was feeling confident with the project I was undertaking. However, pride comes before a fall. After sewing the arms onto the garment, Stephanie (my sewing teacher) gently highlighted the fact that I had sewn the arms on wrong. Let's just say that the un-picker and I were very well acquainted that night.

Wednesday was another day of getting things done. When Pete arrived home, we sat down for our usual cuppa and then made our way out for another run. I want to go into the running for a bit. For some strange reason, both Pete and I have felt like taking up running. I despise it, always have and I felt I always would. However, my mindset is changing. My goal (other than to run 5Kms consistently) is to develop a love for running. When we run, Pete is so graceful. He reminds me of a gazelle. I on the other hand plod along. To tie in with the African animal theme, I would be the hippo, plodding along. Nevertheless, I have been able to run for 1km without stopping, something I am immensely proud of.

Me geared up for our run.
Thursday I decided to accompany Pete to work so I could have the use of Jelly for the day. I started the day with a final shop at Target (I couldn't resist), where I found a couple of bargains. I then spent the rest of my day visiting thrift shops (only 2, I reined myself in) and visiting shops that I knew weren't Pete's cup of tea. I then made my way to pick up Pete so we could make an appointment we had at the bank. Our appointment went well. We wanted our accounts joint and our credit card. It was frustrating being married to Pete and not being allowed the see the balance of 'his' credit card. The outcome was a new credit card with a better interest rate and a slightly larger limit on the card. We then hurriedly made our way home so Pete could watch the hockey game (Calgary was playing for the play offs) and I diligently made dinner before heading to our room to watch some good old YouTube.

Friday I caught the productivity bug. This pretty much meant I took to the house with a rag and the vacuum. I cleaned out the office which was predominantly known as our dumping ground. I cleaned places I have been meaning to clean. I also planned the lesson for kids church as I was teaching on Saturday. When Pete arrived home, we went for another run before returning home for a relaxing night in. And it was relaxing. I think we got around to dinner at half 9.

Saturday was one of the best days for someone like me. We thrift shopped! Pete saw a place advertising on Facebook called Thriftopia. Everything was $2. He suggested we go. I think I fell a little more in love with my husband when he suggested that. After a semi successful shop there, we made our way to the road when I saw another thrift store. I mentioned there was another one and Pete said "Why do you think I'm heading that way." Again I fell more in love with him. This place was chocha block with great finds. After exercising a great deal of self control, I walked out with 6 pieces. We then made our way home to relax before making our way to church. Church was surprisingly non-eventful as there were no kids there that night so I had no-one to teach. A friend gave us a word which was spot on with what God has been speaking to me about this week. As I was wilting quickly, we made our way home once the service ended.

Sunday was an errand day. We went to the library (no surprises there), picked up ink for the printer, and Pete purchased new running shoes with his pocket money. After arriving home, Pete whipped up dinner for us (Elk loin) which we had been given by Shayden (Pete's work colleague). It was scrummy. We squeezed in a quick Face time date with Pete's parents before heading to bed to rest up for another week here in Canada.

Enjoying an ice-cream sundae.

Pete enjoying his ice cream.
And so ends another week here in Canada. As we are conscience of what we spend leading up to Pete's parent coming over, we may not have many action packed weeks for you. But when they get here, those blogs will more than make up for that!

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