Wednesday 8 April 2015

Week 35 - Quiet Nights In, Easter and Window Shopping

Here we are. Another week down. Time seems to be running away from us. Our week has been a fairly low key one, but it's a week non the same and that's what you readers like to hear about.

Monday meant back to work for me. It was good getting back into the swing of things and catching up with work colleagues. The day went by unlike any other. After work, I made my way home to relax. Once Pete arrived home, we had our customary coffee and catch up before I headed out to Target. As you know by now, my beloved Target is almost no more here in Canada. So, I had to get one last trip in before they close their doors for good. Pete was prepared for me to come home with bags of stuff. He was pleasantly surprised as I found nothing. The shelves had been stripped bare. I did find some cute shorts though. I tried them on and thought they were fairly snug for a large. However, upon closer inspection, I discovered the shorts were for little girls. Yay for fitting (just) little girls shorts.

Tuesday was a quiet day. I did my thing around the house, and then made my way to work. There I made the discovery that what had been promised to me work wise, was also offered to someone else. I felt bad as I didn't want to be taking work off others. Cindy (a colleague) said she would ask our boss what was going on. I went home to share the news with Pete that things at work may not turn out as expected. We also discussed our plans for the future. This is something we get asked about a lot. Well, New Zealander's now have 2 years in Canada. However, that does not apply for us. So we have to go through the process all over again. We are unsure how to go about this, and as the guy who is helping us is on holiday at the moment, we remain unsure. We do intend on staying here another year. We want to. It's just a matter of whether the Canadian government wants us to as well.

Wednesday was work and then a hair cut. Growing out the pixie cut is a tedious activity. It also means I get to know my hairdresser well as I am there a lot. I am pleased to say that I am almost at the bob stage. After, in my opinion, the BEST head massage, I spent the next hour having my hair trimmed. Pete sat next to me and we all chatted. We then made our way home for food and a quiet night in.

Thursday things were cleared up work wise. My boss handed me the contract for September. It stated that I will assist Mon, Wed, Fri 8:30 - 1:15 at Apple Tree (where I currently work and can walk to) and Tue and Thur I will be teaching 3 classes each day at Kids at Play (a half hour bus ride away). I am not adverse to taking the bus, but I only have to take it 2 times a week as Pete can pick me up from work on the way home from work. I was upfront with my boss re the visa situation. She asked if I could give her a clear answer by May 31st. I said we could as the visa process is expected to take us 6 weeks. She said as far as she is concerned I will be working for her come September. I sure hope so. That evening we made our way to connect group. There we discussed Jesus and his death. The discussion sure opened my eyes more to all Jesus went through to save our sins.

Friday was Good Friday which meant a day off. Pete was over the moon about this as he has been working hard. This weekend we couldn't travel as Pete was on call for work. We slept in, did a devotional together and then made our way to an Outlet Mall. We had a good day out, not buying a lot except much needed jandals for the Spring. Heck, I say much needed, but as I am writing this, the snow is pouring out of the sky, and we are once again in a winter wonderland. We then made our way home for a quiet night in.

Saturday was a day of errands. We went to the library where I checked out far too many books. I know what my week off is going to entail. We then purchased Easter eggs for Sunday and paid a visit to IHOP. Generally we just enjoyed each others company. Before we knew it, it was time for church. There is no sugar coating this. We bunked. So we had another quiet night in.

More food for you Dad. Hehe.

Ahhh IHOP. Much loved by me.
Sunday we started our morning with coffee and planning. What for you ask? For when Mum and Dad come over. We planned out our week here in Calgary. Well, sort of as we intend on taking them beyond Calgary. We then made our way to Chapters (a big book store) where we perused the shelves. Pete brought a magazine and then we had a coffee at Starbucks. We then did a bit more window shopping where we got Pete some singlets for summer. I say summer, but I really mean for any weather as that's when he wears them. We also purchased me some running pants. (You will hear more about our running saga next week) We then came home to do taxes, which are now complete! We also skyped our friends Wes and Lorinda for a couple of hours. It was so good seeing them and their gorgeous family. Several times I forgot we were taking through an i pad and I tricked myself into believing that we were in their lounge like old times. Before too long, we said our good byes and then settled in for a romantic night of watching a documentary about Monopoly. Hehe.

Yay Cadbury. The selection of Easter Eggs here were dismal.

Pete looking Canadian with his Canadian hockey Easter bunny.
And so ends another week here in Canada. With our time possibly coming to an end here soon, the time seems to be gong faster. Nevertheless, we will enjoy every moment, and I promise I will get more shots than this week.

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