Thursday 2 April 2015

Week 34 - Break Time, Celebrity Spotting and Canmore

Well Spring break has been and gone. The week was a nice and quiet one for me. Sadly it was not quite so nice and quiet for Pete.

Monday I didn't sleep in on my first day of Spring Break. Instead, I sleepily made my way to work with Pete so I could have the use of our trusted stead for the day. So, after heading home to feed myself and become slightly more presentable, I headed off for my first destination - Value Village. Did you really think I would not go thrift shopping at least once in my week off? After a suitable amount of time perusing the racks, I walked out with nothing. I know, I am just as shocked as you are. I then made my way to Fabric Land. I had sewing the next night and had to find my next project. An hour and a half later, I left and wearily made my way home. I love sewing, but the selections of patterns and fabrics can sometimes be slightly overwhelming. Anyway, in no time at all I was picking Pete up, where we came home to have a quiet night in.

Tuesday I pottered around the place during the day. The evening brought more excitement as I went to sewing. I finally finished my pants. They are so comfortable. The cool thing is that I can easily make shorts using this pattern. I had an awesome night with my sewing group. I am learning how to get my head around this pattern reading thing, so managed a few steps without requiring so much of Stephanie (my sewing teachers) attention. The highlight of my night was Pete oohing and ahhing over my latest creation.

Wednesday was another day of pottering around. That evening, we headed out to run a couple of errands. We finished the evening with ice-cream. The way they make an ice cream in a cone here is cool. You pick your flavor and toppings and they put the ice cream on a cold surface and smoosh everything together. Once combined, they then put it in a cone. Genius.

Thursday was much the same as Tuesday and Wednesday. I did pay a visit to work to sign a permanent contract. My boss asked me if I wanted more hours, to which I quickly said yes. She then said she may have a job opening at her second pre school which is 10 minutes drive from the one I work at. The job would require more teaching which means more pay. I said I would talk it over with Pete. That evening, we were due to go to connect. But alas, time was not on our hands and Pete had to work late. So we missed connect and instead took a trip to the area in which the second pre school is. We discovered it was in a complex of shops with a coffee shop (and a good one at that) two doors down. If the job comes to pass, I will take the bus as we only have the one vehicle.

Friday came only too quickly. I made my way to the bank during the day and had a good old natter with Grace (the teller). Her and her husband have been to New York, so with our trip coming up, I asked her for any tips she had. After our chat and transaction, she told me she loves seeing me and hearing my sexy accent. Yep, that saying is still not getting old at all. That night, we made our way out to a friends surprise birthday. We had the best time. During the evening, Kurt (a friend) told me that huge blessings are coming my way. He said God knows what's on my heart and it's coming. He then went to say more and stopped feeling he shouldn't say anything else. What he couldn't resist doing was offering tidbits though which were exciting.

Saturday we rose early to make our way to Canmore (about an hour and a half drive away) for the day. We had purchased a voucher to breakfast there, so decided to make a day of it. After breakfast, we wandered around town which was awesome. While walking along the main street, Pete casually leaned over and said, "Did you see Godwin?" For those unfamiliar with this camouflaged adorned bloke, he is off Duck Dynasty. I was stunned to discover it was him. Sadly, there weren't any other crew members. Stupidly I didn't behave like the star struck fool I wanted to behave like so I didn't get a photo. Oh well. After exploring the town more, and taking a few shots of the stunning scenery, we headed for home to get back in time for church. 

Pete in deep thought.

The Rockies surround Canmore.

Me sucking on a sweet!

A monument and the Rockies.

It is truly beautiful here.

See what I mean - Beautiful.

Us playing with the timer on my camera.
Sunday we enjoyed a leisurely start to the day. Sleep in and coffee. Once we were ready, we made our way to Target. Our trip didn't go well as I am not coping well with the closing down of the store. So each time I go in, I want to savour my time there. Pete does not share my mindset. So, to my disgust, he rushed me out. After a terse discussion, I declared I would be going back at a later stage - without him. He thought that would be a good idea. We then ran a few more errands. We headed north to pick up a part of my sewing machine that was not included when I initially picked it up. We then got lost. I love getting lost when you have a tank of gas and time on your hands. Pete however does not share my opinion. (Hmm, sensing a pattern here) We resorted to using Moana (our sometimes reliable GPS unit). We then made our way to the mall. This was not a good idea as we have a limited income, which to put it simply means we can't spend money on things we don't really need. That made me depressed as in New Zealand, we were both earning good wages, so we had a disposable income. Here however, we don't. Pete handled my bout of depression well, and before I knew it, I was chipper again as I realized I have my best friend with me on this adventure we call life, and if I had to pick money over him, he would win hands down.

That night I had a date with a bunch of girl friends. We went to see Cinderella. We then continued our evening out by going to my beloved Denny's. I had the best night. I didn't keep track of the time at all, and before I knew it, 11pm had arrived. So, we made our way home. On the way home, I experienced something that made me feel more like a Canadian. We drove down the street and I thought someone was smoking pot. The smell lasted for a while. I thought to myself, wow, there must be a few houses smoking the stuff. When we arrived home, I discovered it wasn't pot I was smelling. It was a skunk! I was over the moon excited as I always thought to smell a skunk would mean I got sprayed by one.

And that is the end to another week here. While typing this I have discovered that we can't extend our visa as easily as I had anticipated. So next week may involve boring visa talk. Brace yourself people.

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