Thursday 28 May 2015

Week 41 - Travelling around Canada with Mum and Dad

As I am writing this, there is a mad rush to get everything ready for our trip to New York. We have been touring Canada showing off the sites, have been blessed to see lots of wild life and have been eating far too much.

Monday we had great plans for the day. After waking mum up in excitement as we had snow, we made a fancy breakfast for Mum and Dad, and then jumped in the car. Our destination was Heritage Park. We smugly entered the bare car park thinking we would avoid the weekend traffic. Sadly only a tiny part of the park was open. We decided to move onto phase two of the plan. So Mum and I were dropped off at Value Village for some thrift shopping while Pete and Dad went to the archery range to shoot some arrows. After a couple of hours, we were picked up to head to our next destination. The Clark's house. We sat down for a coffee and a chat in the sun (I know sun after the snow), and then decided to head to Fish Creek for a walk. We had a great time skimming rocks on the river and chatting some more. Before we knew it, we were heading off for home. That night we had dinner at home and packed up in preparation for our travels the next day.



That same day. Gotta love Calgary and its weather. A nice shot of Mum and Son.

Us with Darrin and Daphne (our pastors)

Daphne pointing out Fish Creek.
Tuesday we woke early as we wanted to hit the road as soon as we could. We made a stop at Bragg Creek for a coffee and then continued on to our destination - Canmore. There we took a look through town and marveled at the gandeur of the mountains. After a bit of shopping, we sat down in the sun to enjoy lunch (bagels - yummo!) and each others company. As Canmore was not our final destination, we moved onto Banff. Before leaving though, we encountered a few elk just randomly chomping on grass at the lights. When we arrived in Banff, we parked up and visited the information center. As we were a few days too early for the summer activities to start, we were restricted as to what to do. So we took a further look around Banff and then headed to our hotel to check in. After a bit of a rest, we made our way into Banff for dinner and then headed to the hot pools for a relaxing soak.

On our stop for a coffee.

Mum, Dad and I with our trusted stead Jelly.

On the way to Banff.

I like what I see.

Love this one!

One for you Dan.
Wednesday we packed up and then made our way into Banff for breakfast. As Canada has not wowed us with their breakfast options, we weren't very hopeful. However, after a bit of exploring, we found the best breakfast place. With full bellies, we jumped into Jelly to head to our next destination - Lake Louise. Pete took the scenic route and we saw some mountain sheep. We arrived to a car park at Lake Louise. After cautiously walking down the icy track, we rounded the bend and what I saw took my breath away. The lake was stunning. We turned into camera frenzied tourists and began snapping away like crazy. Once satisfied we had taken a sufficient amount of photos, we continued on our journey to Jasper. The drive was almost 3 hours, but so worth it. I thought home was beautiful. Well, I'm sorta thinking Canada was a bit more so. We again got camera happy and found ourselves stopping at all the pull off areas (and boy were there heaps). At one we saw a bear in the distance slowly making his way up a hill. We were over the moon. We continued on, and came even closer to a bear. I'd say a few meters at most away from us. We were elated. After arriving at our accomodation, we made our way into Jasper town to find something to eat. There a fellow kiwi served us (born and bred in Manurewa). The meal was awesome. After a quick stop at the few shops that were open, we then made our way back for a relaxing night in.

Breakfast in Banff!

Awesome shot of Mum and Dad.

Mountain sheep (I think). 

Lake Louise.


Love this one.

The bear in the distance.

A shot on the drive.

Mr bear up close.
Thursday we packed up and made our way into Jasper town. We found a place to eat breakfast and then decided to take a look at the shops. Poor dad is all I can say. Mum and I love it, and so does Pete. After shopping, we decided to see more of Jasper by going up a tram. As both dad and I are not the best with heights, we bravely undertook the task. Going up, I was fine (as long as I didn't look out the window). Dad on the other hand was not. He started to feel quesy and before long stated he was heading down. Mum joined him, and Pete and I followed not long after. The views were sensational. We then hit the road for the long trip back to Calgary. Pete drove the whole way and did the best job. On the way home, we saw another bear and stopped and also more elk. We stopped briefly for coffee and and food before arriving home to Calgary.

Mum and Dad.

A shot from the tram.

It started to snow while up the mountain.

Another bear up close.

Elk (I think).
Friday was Pete's birthday, so after unwrapping pressies, we insisted it was his day, and asked him what he wanted to do. He chose breakfast out at Saskatooon farm. We then made our way to the archery range where dad, Pete and I shot. Pete was over the moon I was doing it. I got the run down from the instructor and was shooting up a storm. After changing bows, it became more enjoyable. As we were all pretty tired, we made our way home for a rest. I used the time to head to the library to equip myself with books for the plane ride we would take the next day. 8 o'clock arrived, so we made our way to an Irish pub for dinner. There Pete consumed his beloved Guiness. We then stopped into the Ice-Cream place on the way home for something sweet before heading home to finalize packing for New York.

And that's where I'm gonna leave it folks. As you know, New York has been and gone. So I intend on writing about our adventures there in a separate blog. That I'll put up in the next few days. Until then...

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