Wednesday 10 June 2015

Week 44 - Sunshine, Starbucks and Everyday Life

Here again after what seems another fast week here in Canada. Since our time here is coming to an end soon, we have so many things we want to do and people to see. We have felt so loved as people here are sad to see us leave, and people at home are happy to have us coming home. Anyway, enough ramblings, on with the blog.

Monday we both had a fairly non-eventful day at work. People at work are sad to see us leaving which makes us feel appreciated. As the sun is out until 10:30pm at night now, we have found ourselves needing to run later as it is still fairly warm at 7-8pm. So after work, we lounged around the house together, had dinner, and made our way out for a run. As it was our first run since being on holiday, to say we felt it would be an understatement. However, with our race coming up, we slogged it out, knowing (okay, more like hoping) it would only get better.

Tuesday I had a glorious sleep in and then busied myself by cleaning parts of the apartment. I then made my way to work with the lovely bunch of 3 year olds we have. After my 2 and a half hours, I was done. What the heck am I going to do when it comes to me having kids? That night, I had sewing. It was awesome to get back into things and to tell others about our adventure in New York. I started on another project (a dress) which I will likely finish next time.

Wednesday we worked and then decided to do something different in the evening. We decided to pay a visit to IKEA. We had dinner there (set us back $20) and checked out things that we wanted to purchase before heading home. We don't have enough money to bring everything we want home, but there are some things we just can't resist. Especially when we look on Trade Me in NZ and realize how some people are selling IKEA goods for way more than they retail for. For example, a mirror I saw at IKEA was $7.99. The exact same mirror was selling for $45 on Trade Me.

Thursday I missed out on a sleep in as I was going to catch up with Daphne re sewing on the weekend. It didn't work out, so instead we Face timed. With the extra time I had in my day, I was uber productive. Let's just say the house was spotless and I was all set for teaching on Saturday at church. That night we went to connect. There weren't many people there, but it was awesome nonetheless. God spoke to me about His sense of humor and how He wanted to reveal it more to me. A little left field, but exciting.

Friday we were glad to see the end of another work week. The weather was due to be sensational that weekend, so we were keen to make the most of that. That evening, we decided to have a quiet one in which consisted of a movie for me and a bath for Pete.

Saturday dawned bright as expected. As I was due to teach sewing at 1pm, we decided to stay around home for the morning. So we picked up milk and had a frapachino at Starbucks. I then lounged in the sun on our balcony while Pete made us lunch. It was perfect for a weekend. I then made my way to sewing. I had 5 girls to teach. It was a blast. I loved spending time with them and teaching. I then made my home for a bit before we headed out for ice-cream before then making our way to church. Church was again awesome and I loved teaching the little ones about Peter (The Peter in the bible, not my Peter). Before we knew it, we were on our way home to relax before our Face time date with Allen and Tash. It was so nice to catch up.

Yum - Chocolate Chip.

Pete enjoying his Caramel.
Sunday we wanted to get out and about without spending a bucket load of money. So we decided to grab some food and have a picnic at a local park. The weather was stunning. We had the best time lounging in the sun and eating to our hearts content. Once we were all sunned out, we made our way to a shop I wanted to check out. We took a look around and before long made our way home. I think the sun got to me, as I then chose to curl up in bed for a nana nap. (Isn't that what Sundays are about?)

Pete enjoying the Sun (and of course the food).

Our view.

Me with my make shift sun shade. AKA a jandal.
And so, that is the end to another week here in Canada. The weather has been awesome and is expected to get even better. We get the heat, but not the humidity... Perfect!

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