Tuesday 30 June 2015

Week 47 - Blah!

I feel I must warn you in advance about the contents of this blog post. There is mention of sickness and plenty of it. In fact, that's what my week mainly consisted of. Well, that and recovering.

Monday my fears became a reality. I was sick. Typical on the first day of my holidays. All I had was a cold, but it got to me nonetheless. Pete managed to avoid catching a cold, however he did take the day off from work as he had spent part of the night and morning throwing up. So as you can expect, we had a very low key day. In fact, I didn't emerge from the bedroom except to visit the ladies room and to eat. Pete planted himself firmly in front of the TV for the day.

Tuesday Pete was on the mend, so went to work. I was still feeling yuck, so spent another day mostly in bed.

Wednesday I was felling better. I could taste my food again (a huge success in my books) and breathe out of my nose. I still spent the day at home though. However, as Pete arrived home, I greeted him with a kiss and then took Jelly to sewing. I was teaching another class. I had a great time with the girls and learned a thing or two myself. I made my way home happy to have got out of the house, but just as eager to get back to relax.

Thursday and Friday were both days that consisted of me sleeping in, doing things around the house, watching far too many episodes of Friends, eating and then relaxing with Pete. There was a slight change to the schedule on Friday as Pete was called at midnight to fix a truck. I decided to accompany him. The good news was the job only took 10 minutes to fix. The bad news was that the truck driver was just as chatty as Pete. So, after half an hour, we were on the road, very ready for bed.

Saturday we encountered Calgary at her finest. The weather was hot! Our day started with us making our way to a garage sale in the north. Pete had seen archery gear advertised at the sale. He didn't find any archery related stuff to buy, but go figure, I did. I found Dixie Chicks albums I have been wanting for a while. After some tooing and frooing, Pete decided to buy an elk caller. Only $2. Let's just say, I can tell you what an elk sounds like as I heard nothing but the blimmin caller all day! After the garage sale, we made our way to McDonald's for breakfast. So bad, yet oh so good. We then decided to check out a mall in the area. We got a few comments as to why we were at a mall when the weather was so lovely. My answer was the mall was cool. We then made our way home to relax for a few hours before heading to church. Church was great. We hadn't been for a couple of weeks so it was good to be back and catch up with everyone.

Sunday was another schorcher. We began planning our upcoming trip around Canada and the US, we ran a few errands, grabbed a bite to eat, and then decided to chill at home for the remainder of the day. Our apartment was surprisingly cool, so we sat back and took advantage of the slight breeze. It seemed a waste as the weather was stunning, but that heat got to us.

And so ends another week. Sorry we have no photos. The week was a pretty blah one. Next week however we are out and about a bit more, and with the Calgary Stampede starting this Friday, I will bombard you with shots. Until then...

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