Thursday 25 June 2015

Week 46 - Busy week for Deb

And here I thought that with me being on holiday I would be super productive and get the blog post written and posted early in the week. Hmmm, wishful thinking.

Monday we both did the normal thing and went to work. After work, we had a quick bite to eat before making our way to the Archery Range for a work do for Pete. John (Pete's boss) hired a part of the Archery range and an instructor for us all. For 2 hours, we shot arrows and enjoyed each others company. As it still felt so early at 9 when we finished up, we then went out for a drink and another bite to eat. We arrived home after 11pm, but we had the best night out.

Tuesday I thankfully got to sleep in. I did my thing at home before heading to work. The time went quickly, and before I knew it, I was helping to set up for our prize giving the next day as this was the last week of school. Once home, we hung out for a bit, had dinner and then I made my way to sewing. Sewing was not as enjoyable as it has been as I made a few mistakes. So, to say my unpicker and I are on the best of terms would be accurate.

Wednesday wasn't a normal workday as we had prize giving for the kids, so classes were shorter. It was nice to be given gifts from the students. Even though I only assist, it made me feel special. As the rest of the week was busy, we chose to have a quiet night in together that night.

Thursday was my last work day for the next 2 weeks. We had prize giving for our 3 year old's. It felt surreal that that was it. I made my way home for a rest before I made my way out again for our end of year staff do. The restaurant was at the end of our road, so I walked. We had an awesome night hanging out. Our boss (Anne) gave us all gifts. She selected picture books that she felt related to each one of us. It was such an awesome gift. I was also given a gift as I am leaving. Even though I have only worked there for 6 months, I felt valued and that I would be missed.

Friday I accompanied Pete to work in the morning so I could have the use of Jelly for the day. I aimed to head to Fabric land to take advantage of their huge sale and even though Pete said he would willingly go on the weekend with me, I decided not to subject him to that. I also paid a visit to Value Village. However, after reading they were having a 50% sale in a few days, I decided not to buy anything, instead I would wait for the sale. I then made a few more errands before making my way home for a bit before heading in to pick up Pete. Once we arrived home, we had dinner together before I headed out again by my lonesome. Destination: Girls night. I made my way to Daphne's where I caught up with the girls. We had an awesome night of socializing, sewing and movie watching. A perfect end to the week.

Saturday (jeez, it seems so long ago). We had a relaxing morning at home before heading out to run a couple of errands. We did pay another visit to Fabric Land as the sale was still on and I wanted one more project to work on at sewing before we leave Canada.We arrived home where I crawled into bed as I was feeling like a Nana nap was needed. In no time at all, Pete came in to get me up for church. We decided to be slack and not go, so instead watched a movie and grabbed something to eat before face timing Pete's parents.

Sunday we had plans to head to Fort Macloud. We embarked on the journey and arrived in no time. There we grabbed lunch and enjoyed perusing the museum learning more about the RCMP. We then found horses, so were invited to pat them and watch the practice for the shows that take place next week. It was awesome to watch. The skies were pretty dismal though, so after warning cracks of thunder, the hail came which we took as our cue to leave. There we made our way to Okotoks to do our food shopping for the week before heading home.

Pete loving the old tools they used.

Beautiful stained glass window.

Pete was also pretty taken with the stoves. I swear he should have born in this era.

The grounds.
And that ends another week here in beautiful Calgary. After quite a bit of rain, the sun has appeared and summer really feels like it is here. Perfect timing for the Stampede in the next couple of weeks.

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