Friday 19 June 2015

Week 45 - Work, The Big Race and Exhaustion

Another week done and dusted. Our week was fairly non-eventful. The weekend took us out of our comfort zone though where we ran our first 5K race. To say the rest of the weekend was a quiet one would be an understatement as I think we were pretty shattered. (Well, okay, maybe I was just shattered)

Monday saw the start to another work week. Next week is my last week at work for a bit as school is finishing up here in Canada. It feels so weird to me to finish school in the middle of the year. I keep reminding myself that it's not Christmas as I associate summer and finishing school with Christmas. The day at work went well, I came home to eat and relax a bit, before making my way back to work for another meeting. The meeting was about summer camp. I will be teaching two classes for two weeks. The meeting was my kind of meeting - short but sweet. I then made my way home to catch up with Pete. We made dinner and then at 9pm set out for our run. 9pm may sound late, but it's still so bright then. As the temperature has been getting up there (we reached 33 the other day) we have decided to run later.

Tuesday I slept in and then pottered around the place before eventually getting ready for work. After another slightly challenging time with the 3 year olds, I made my way home to Face time Jayden. We chatted for a couple of hours, before we bid farewell and Pete and I started dinner. As we were busy the next night, we decided to run after dinner on Tuesday. So with satisfied tummies, we donned ourselves in our running gear and did our run. After I was done, I made my way inside, but Pete decided to push himself. He was ages and it was dark by this stage. I found out after our run, he decided to run another 5 and a half Ks (as you do). I was super proud of him.

Wednesday was another day at work. Once home, I tackled the task of making a potato bake for dinner. When Pete arrived home, he had time for a quick shower before we made our way to Peter and Carol's for dinner. Les and Val were there also. We had the best time! I am so going to miss these guys when we leave Canada. Before we knew it, over 4 hours had passed and we reluctantly made our way home.

Thursday I was thankful that I was able to sleep in. The work day was a productive one which was good. After work, I made my way home while Pete rushed into town after his day at work to a running store to pick up our race pack for the weekend. We were pretty excited to see our name with our number and our race shirt. As Pete made it home fairly late, we decided to miss connect and have a quiet one at home.

Friday came around so quickly it seemed. With another week at work over, we chose to have a quiet one at home that night too in preparation for the big race the next day.

Saturday we awoke to the blaring of the alarm. Race day was upon us. So after a quick bite to eat, and kitting ourselves out in our running gear, we made our way into downtown Calgary. The race was to be run around the Bow River. After a bit of waiting around, we were off. As Pete (aka the gazelle) runs way faster than I do, he was off. I took my time. I would love to say I ran the entire race. Sadly I didn't. But Pete did and managed to do it in awesome time. I must admit, I did love crossing the finish line to Pete cheering me on. We took advantage of the fresh fruit on offer, and waited for our times to be posted. With the race done and dusted, we made our way home tired, but feeling flipping proud of ourselves. The rest of the day was a quiet one. We lounged around home for a bit and ran a couple of errands. As we wanted to be part of Jo and Isaac's gender reveal party, we missed church to face time family. We can now say we are going to be the proud aunty and uncle to another boy Anthes. After catching up on the latest, we decided to hit the hay.

Pre race.

Pre race selfie.

Post race selfie.
Sunday we took full advantage of the fact that we could sleep in. Our plans for the day weren't many. We ran a few errands, stopped for a coffee and the biggest cinnamon bun I had ever seen and visited a couple of shops before choosing to call it a day and head home. We were both pretty tired after our eventful Saturday morning, so we decided to spend the rest of the day at home.

Pete eating the huge cinnamon bun. And yes, that's cream cheese icing!
And so ends another week here. A fairly non-eventful week except for the fact that we ran a 5K race (words I never thought I would say that's for sure).

1 comment:

  1. Congrats guys on your first 5km run, that's awesome news and great motivation for running. Keep up the running and enjoy Canada!
